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When Zhou Siqing and Jiang Qiuqiu heard the words, their expressions suddenly changed.

Xiang Nu lowered his head and thought for a while, but didn't say anything, but turned around in the room. The two corners of the bed were wrapped with sheets wrapped in sheets. He opened the cabinet by the bed and looked at the two There are several sheets in the cabinet on the first floor, but nothing else.

Feng Jinyuan asked, "What are you looking at?"

Xiangnu replied, "I'll check if there are any potential safety hazards in the room, and if there is anything hidden under the cabinets and beds."

Zhou Siqing sighed, "I need to do a good search. So, although the environment in this room is quite warm, who knows if something will pop up suddenly in the middle of the night..."

Jiang Qiuqiu didn't say a word, just walked to the cabinet opposite the bed that was attached to the wall, and closed several cabinet doors. Open it up and start examining what's inside.

In the cabinet, the top layer is the folded bedding, the middle layer is the clothes, and the bottom layer is the basin and toiletries.

Jiang Qiuqiu and Zhou Siqing shook the quilt to see that everything was as usual inside.

They even pulled open the zipper of the quilt to see that there was nothing but cotton.

There was no other furniture in this small room except the wardrobe, the cupboard, and the bed.

There was a plastic paper cup on the cabinet beside the bed, Xiangnu picked up the paper cup and looked at it, falling into deep thought.

Zhou Siqing complained: "How come there are so many things in this room, there is not even a escort bed, didn't the nurses have to lay a floor on the ground..."

Zhou Siqing said, her face suddenly turned white, and she stumblingly said: "Well, you guys Who can lie down on the ground and see if there is something under the bed?"

Xiang Nu thought for a while, put down the paper cup, half kneeled on the ground, lifted the dangling sheets and looked at the bottom of the iron wire bed, his body suddenly froze. A stiff.

Zhou Siqing, who saw his body's abnormal reaction, panicked, and hurriedly asked, "Is there really something under the bed?"

Xiangnu's eyes looked back and forth on the bed board and the ground under the bed, and finally put down the sheets and stood up, giving a vague answer: "It looks like there is nothing under it, but it's hard to say if there will be anything in a while. "

What do you say?" Feng Jinyuan and Jiang Qiuqiu also knelt on the ground and looked at the bottom of the bed. After taking a look, Jiang Qiuqiu, who was more attentive, immediately found out that there was a problem: "The bottom of the bed is so clean! There is no dust at all, and the floor is clean." No, there is nothing on the bed."

Feng Jinyuan said with a subtle expression: "Isn't there someone hiding under this bed..."

Zhou Siqing waved her hand in pain: "Don't say it, I can't imagine that kind of picture. , when I think that someone might climb out from under my bed in the middle of the night, what's more, if I lay a floor on the ground, I suddenly see a figure under the bed next to me..."

The more she spoke, the paler her face became, and Jiang Qiuqiu hurriedly called When she interrupted her words, she said with some fear: "Don't say it, okay? Didn't you say that you can't imagine that kind of picture? You can describe it as you say it!"

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