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After intimidating Xiangli, Xiangnu ignored him and concentrated on dealing with the female corpse in front of him.

The tentacles in the female corpse's mouth, which act as tongues, are very flexible and aggressive. Relatively speaking, the female corpse itself is very rigid and rigid.

The female corpse was originally motionless, but after the tentacles began to move, the female corpse also stumbled into action.

It is said that the action is not accurate, because the distance the female corpse moves is very small, it can only be said that the movement of the leg is raised with a small range, and the lifting of the leg is not smooth.

The tentacles attacked frantically, reloading back and forth in this small bedroom.

The speed and force of its collision are very fierce, and Xiangnu has no doubt that this force can directly smash open the fragile walls and doors of the clothes.

It is precisely because of this understanding that Xiang Nu inadvertently turned around and saw that the door that had been hit by the tentacles for a long time before had no wear and tear, and there was a hint of surprise in his heart.

After that, Xiangnu deliberately did not resist, but chose to dodge, avoiding the rampage of several tentacles.

Taking this opportunity, Xiang Nu finally discovered the reason why the tentacles did not leave any traces indoors.

Whenever the tentacle hits the wall, a layer of light white light will appear on the wall to dissolve the giant force invisible.

This white light did not look like a terrifying technique, but instead was full of metaphysical techniques, which made Xiang Slave think of Tian Yanzong uncontrollably.

Looking at this hideous tentacle again, the ugly appearance and the mucus splashing from the low hole made Xiangnu feel familiar...

While Xiangnu was thinking, a few strands of mucus fell when he was not prepared. On Xiangnu's body, it corroded the skin on Xiangnu's arm and burned a large piece of his skin.

...a lot of injuries today.

Xiang Nu was full of anger, and the scene outside the hotel and hotel also began to change.

The blackness in the white fog became thicker and deeper, and countless crazy screams and roaring howls penetrated into everyone's eardrums from far away.

Accompanied by the howls of pain, there were crazy loud laughs and rhythmic drums, which sounded like the scene of some kind of activity.

Several taskers at Aunt Mei's place, including Feng He Jia, all showed pained expressions after hearing these drums, covering their heads and dizzy.

Only the breeze was normal, but he also covered his ears and let his mind go away and didn't dare to listen to those voices. He just muttered, "It's a sacrifice..."

In room 1906, Xiangli lay stiffly on the bed, unable to move. , he opened his eyes wide in horror, and those voices got into his ears, filling his eyes with hallucinations.

In a trance, Xiangli felt as if he had become one of those voices, wailing with those screaming voices, suffering unparalleled pain, like falling into hell.

"Brother, save me..." Xiangli muttered.

It's a pity that Xiangnu ignored him. He was covered in scorched black, like a god who came out of the firelight. He didn't have a specific image, but it made people feel splendid and could only look up.

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