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To be honest, Xiangli was very depressed after listening to Feng Hejia's words, as if in her words, the organ that can sustain her life is like a litter of garbage...

He is very sensitive , The look in Feng Hejia's eyes immediately became very unfriendly.

It was not until Xiangnu stretched out two fingers to squeeze his chin, leaving two bruised fingerprints on his pale skin, then he retracted his gaze and lowered his head sullenly.

Xiang Nu glanced at him, just touching the sight of Xiang Li who was quietly touching, Xiang Nu coldly hooked the corner of his lower lip, and Xiang Li became more and more silent and well-behaved.

He is really afraid of his brother now, and all the courage when facing his brother was consumed in that murder against his brother.

When Xiangnu saw that Xiangli was awake, he let out a sigh of relief, slipped his palm onto Xiangli's head, patted it a few times in a soothing manner, and warned, "I will hold you after I get to the amusement park in a while. Then you have to follow me firmly, understand? If I let you go, you can start. When I signal you to stop, you have to squeak and tell me where you are, understand?"

Xiangli looked at him in confusion and said, "I don't understand..."

Xiangnu rolled his eyes at her and said strangely: "Just remember this, you will understand when you go in. Be obedient, if If you are disobedient, my brother will not give you a second chance."

He sharpened his white teeth, but his threatening actions were cute and harmless. Of course, few people can appreciate this kind of Cute, at least Xiangli still thinks he is scary.

Qingfeng took the initiative to climb over from his position. He took Xiangnu's hand and said, "Take me with you. I can keep you awake."

Xiangnu looked at him thoughtfully, and Qingfeng pointed to his Heart: "Your breath has become unstable."

Xiang Nu frowned slightly and looked out the window.

Unknowingly, the white fog was replaced by a darkness that was as thick as ink. The darkness was so pure and aggressive, and they expanded incomparably domineering, dyeing every inch of the land space they passed through. of darkness.

In the end, the darkness penetrated the thick fog, spread to the car, eroded the walls and glass, and finally enveloped everyone in the car, leaving everyone with nowhere to hide.

When the darkness completely wrapped Xiangnu, Xiangnu's world turned into a complete darkness, with no fingers, and there was no color and light everywhere.

Not only Xiang Slave, but Feng He Jia Qingfeng, including Xiang Li, experienced the same changes, and whispered one after another, "We can't see..."

They tried their best to keep calm. In fact, they were not afraid of being ghosts. This kind of change, but the deprivation of vision is forcibly changing the habit of everyone. Even if they are calm about the situation in front of them, they will inevitably panic.

However, the slaves adapt very well.

His previous eyes were not so badly damaged. Although he could not see things, his eyes could perceive colors.

However, simple colors are too irritating to the eyes, and it is easy to make the eyes tired and uncomfortable, so Xiangnu usually finds sunglasses and eye masks to cover his eyes, so he is very used to this pure dark environment.

Although he can't see it, Xiangnu can still hear the faint breathing from the people around him, and can identify their general direction.

He also felt the change of sitting in the car. The speed of the car became slower and slower. After about 30 seconds, the speed gradually increased. Xiangnu knew that they may have passed a turning point just now. Perhaps, They have entered the amusement park.

Xiangli groped around nervously. The dark environment made him feel very manic. He asked, "Brother, isn't this an amusement park? Why can't we see..."

Xiangnu didn't answer, but said, "You are not. Have you always felt that I only lost a pair of eyes, and it's not as painful as your life? Now you can't see anymore, how does it feel?"

Xiangli took a breath: "I suffer from physical torment all the time, and the pain is incomparable. Even if my blindness makes me very uncomfortable and anxious, I still feel very painful! Because of my inability to move, I am stuck in that place every day In a small room, I can't see the outside world at all, how can your pain be compared to mine!" Xiangli said

excitedly, obviously, although he was afraid of Xiangnu, he was still very resentful towards Xiangnu.

Xiangnu laughed strangely, his voice was inexplicably sharp and harsh, and his tone was even lower, as if he was trying to suppress something: "Haha... Is that right."

Xiangnu closed his eyes, feeling irritable and irritable, when he heard Xiangnu After the raccoon's words, his mood became even worse.

I don't know if it was affected by my mood, or there were other factors, Xiang slave felt that his body began to change.

The power of the Red Queen sneaked up, and Xiangnu felt that his blood was hot and boiling, constantly boiling, and the meridians were constantly stirring, as if something was changing and was about to break out of the body. He wanted to say something, so he asked: " Brother

, what do my eyes look like in your eyes? Are they the same as normal people?"

I don't have children at all, and my eyes are gray and white. Although it looks pretty, it's too weird. It's impossible for normal people's eyes to grow like this."

Xiang Nu couldn't help but smiled sarcastically, and murmured: "Yeah, you know that too. , I also have a pair of eyes that are very different from normal people. My eyes should also be regarded as deformed. Have you ever wondered why a 'deformed child' like me was not killed by them when I was born ?"

Xiangli thought, maybe because your deformity is not serious? But it's wrong to think about it. If it's just this, Mom and Dad won't be so good to brother...

In fact, the reason why Xiangli has always been very jealous of Xiangnu is that he and himself are obviously deformed, and he is still on the surface. Compared to Xiangnu, it seems normal, why are they so good to Xiangnu and so perfunctory to themselves?

But now I hear Xiangnu mention it, it seems that there is another secret...

Xiangli was silent for a few seconds and asked, "Then why didn't you get killed by them?"

Xiangnu touched his eyes, smiled, his face was as beautiful as Shura, Yan is extremely evil: "Because...when I was born, I was normal."

He added: "Everywhere is normal."

"See what I mean, brother. I am disabled, and my eyes are It was deliberately messed up like this." Xiangnu

said with a smile, but no one knew how terrifying his smile was.

The pain of the flesh breaking open, the shrill screams of the child, the man's mad and malicious laughter, the movement of fingers rolling and digging in the flesh...

Xiangnu's back was tense, and he was hunched over uncontrollably, and he gritted his teeth. , skin surging, vicious and terrifying tentacles emerged, wrapped around his arms, in a world invisible to everyone, on both shoulders of Xiang Slave, there was also a terrifying and ugly head that turned into something.

Xiangnu's palm slowly slid from Xiangli's head to his back, and Xiangli trembled, as if he was about to be stabbed in the next second with chest pains and another torture.

Qingfeng quietly came over and clenched Xiangnu's left hand, trying to calm him down.

I don't know if it has any effect, but Xiangnu's voice has been restrained and suppressed anyway, he said to Xiangli: "You don't know anything at all, obviously the person who is really riddled with holes...is me."

"If it wasn't for me . It's really disgusting for the two of them, I have to keep them and 'feed' you, I really want to eat you alive now." Xiangnu said coldly, and Xiangli's face was blue and white.

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