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Xiang Nu entered the room, deftly avoided the fluttering tentacles, rushed to the side of the female corpse, grabbed her neck directly, pressed her to the ground from behind, and then pulled the tentacle and pulled it straight out. .

Feng He Jia stood dumbfounded for a few seconds, then ran over and pulled out the tentacles for him.

After leaving the parasitic soil, the tentacles seemed to have lost all activity, and slammed on the ground with no response at all.

Xiangnu pressed his hand on his tentacles to devour this power, and said to Feng Hejia, who was looking at him vaguely: "Don't waste your time, go to 1933 to get rid of that female corpse first."

Feng Hejia nodded casually . , glanced at him hesitantly, and ran to the next room without a word.

Xiang Nu quickly devoured the tentacle, and lowered his head, thinking about things.

After Xiangnu knew that the health points were converted from monsters, he thought it would change after he devoured these tentacles, but in fact, he had swallowed the seventh tentacle, and he still didn't feel any abnormality.

This made Xiangnu feel very strange, and he couldn't help but think about whether it was after he left this copy that all the power converted by the tentacles would be supplied to him.

Is that so...it doesn't feel like it should be.

Xiangnu casually removed the seventh tentacle, and went out to go to room 1933, ready to quickly remove the last tentacle when Ren Weiliang was dragged by the breeze.

However, when he went out and saw the raccoon staring at him, he paused for a few seconds. After thinking about it, he took the raccoon into his arms and brought him into room 1933.

Fenghe Jiazheng was entangled with the female corpse in 1933, and when he saw Xiangnu came in with Xiangli in his arms, he complained to him: "This murderer may be misogynistic, and he only chooses girls to attack, and his methods are cruel, which is really vicious. "

The eight victims were all girls, Xiangnu put Xiangli at the door, and then went to help Feng Hejia, and while helping, he said blankly: "It may be misogyny, or it may be that he is not strong enough to reach adulthood. Male, so I can only vent on girls." While

speaking, he suppressed the female corpse again, and asked Feng Hejia to pull the tentacles out of her mouth and threw them on the ground.

The female corpse that lost the control of the tentacles had no soul, and knelt on the ground sluggishly maintaining the posture that was suppressed by the slave before.

Xiangli stared at Xiangnu's movements with wide eyes. After seeing the tentacles disappearing under Xiangnu's palm little by little, the chest that had been bulging for a long time shrunk a little, as if he was relieved. It seems that I feel much more relaxed.

Fortunately, Xiangnu didn't eat the tentacles with his mouth... Xiangli thought in a complicated mood.

Because this is the last tentacle, Feng Hejia also stayed aside this time, and started talking to Xiangnu: "It looks like you know who the murderer is?"

Xiangnu raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Don't tell me you Don't you know?"

"Huang Xin?" Feng Hejia frowned and asked, "Is he really a missionary? So coincidentally, as the murderer, he was summoned back to the place where he used to be and turned into a ghost realm?"

Xiangnu At this moment, he had swallowed the last tentacle and only the tip was left, he smiled, put his right hand on his chest, and panted Feng Hejia as he spoke: "It's not a coincidence, the tasker's copy is It's random, but it can also be selected occasionally."

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