Chapter 3

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We drove back to the party so that Harry could get his car and drive to my house. We got there and I opened the door to walk inside. We walked in and I showed him to his room. I opened the door and he walked into the doorway. We were suddenly really close. I realized we were alone and took my shot.

"Hey Harry?"

"Yeah?" He looked over at me and into my eyes. Then he realized how close we were. I could see his cute brown eyes and got lost in them. We heard a sound outside and he jumped. We backed away from each other.

"Oh I was just gonna ask if you need any help with your stuff."

"Ahh. Umm, no I'm okay. Noah and Spencer are coming over later to help me get some stuff."

"Sounds good."



"Would it be weird to kiss you?"

"Harry, we're married. You can kiss me whenever you want." I smiled. He cupped my face and kissed me gently. I put my hands on his wrist and kissed him right back. He pulled away and smiled at me.

"I think this is gonna be a fun week." He winked.

"Whatever, Holland. Let's get your stuff all moved in." We rearranged the stuff in his room so that he would have room for all he was bringing. We were moving the dresser when the doorbell rang.

"That's probably Noah and Spencer. They're gonna help me bring all the stuff from my house over."

"Sounds good! Eme and Makell are coming over to bring us dinner for our 'honeymoon' haha." I made quotation marks with my hand. We went downstairs and I opened the door. Two tall dudes stood in front of me.

"Hey, Mrs. Holland!" The taller one said.

"Haha that's weird to hear. I'm still getting used to it. But howdy! I'm guessing you're Noah?" I asked him.

"How'd you know?" He smiled. He was tall with curly brown hair, brown eyes, olive skin, and a warm smile.

"You must be Spencer." I said.

"That's me." He answered. He was shorter than Noah, but still a good height. He had olive skin too, but not as dark as Noah's. He has short brown hair and a beauty mark on his face. He seems nice!

"Come on in, y'all!" I opened the door more. They walked in and went into the kitchen.

"Harry!! How's our married man?" Noah yelled.

"Tired, but loving life. My wife is pretty hot." He winked at me.

"I'll take what I can get." I smiled. "Now go get your stuff. Dinner should be ready when you get back!"

"Sounds great! Thanks Mrs. Holland!" Noah elbowed Harry.

"We'll be back in an hour or so." Harry said. He grabbed his coat from the bench and came over to me. I gave him a quick peck and then they walked out. I heard Noah laughing and Harry telling him to shut up. I went up to my room and started cleaning a little bit. Then the doorbell rang and the door opened.

"Y/N!" Makell yelled. "I have your food!"

"Coming!" I went down the stairs and saw Makell, Eme, and Kai in the kitchen with bags and boxes of food.

"Hey girl! How's married life?" Makell asked.

"Pretty fun so far, if you know what I mean." I winked. Kai squealed.


"Kai!" Eme nudged her shoulder. "That's way too descriptive."

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