Chapter 5

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"Why did you marry my idiot brother?" Tom asked.

"We'll he may be an idiot, which he isn't, but he said yes."

"Wait, was I your first choice?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, don't worry." I laughed.

"Gross." Tom said. "Harry, where am I gonna stay?"

"Tom, I have 3 guest rooms so you're welcome to stay here."

"But it's your wedding night. I don't wanna be there on your wedding night."

"The only thing happening tonight is sleeping. In separate rooms."

"Oh. Okay send me the address." And he hung up.

"Is that okay that I invited him?" I asked Harry.

"Yeah it's fine. We should just finish what we were doing before until he gets here." He smiled.

"Okay okay, but send him the address first and then we can." He grunted, but sent Tom his location. I was on my phone when he grabbed my waist and lifted me to be on top of him.

"It's been a crazy day, hasn't it?" He asked.

"Yes it has, Mr. Holland. Yes it has." And I grabbed his face and pulled him closer. "Did you know you have some gold in your eyes?"

"I've been told." He smiled. I licked my lips and grazed my thumb over his mouth. He stared hungrily at my mouth and smashed his lips on to mine, kissing me. We kissed for a while until someone knocked on the door. Harry hesitantly pulled away. He put his forehead on mine and stroked my arms with his hands.

"Ugh. Why did he get here so fast?" He groaned.

"Dude it's been like 20 minutes."

"Well he could've taken 30."

"Come on, let's go open the door for your brother." I got up and grabbed his hand to pull him up. He jumped up and hurried to give me a kiss.

"Beat you to the door!"

He ran away and I chased after him. He opened the door and there stood Tom.

"Hold up. Y/N Y/L/N is your wife??"

"Yes? Except she's Y/N Holland, now. Wait how do you know her?" Harry asked.

"Oh she's best friends with one of my ex-girlfriends. Makell, if you've met her."

"Oh yeah. I met her." He looked at me and laughed.

"Oh Tom, come in! Sorry." He grabbed his bags and came inside. "Harry, show him to his room and I'll get some snacks."

"Ok. Here let me help you with your bags." He grabbed a couple of them. They went upstairs and I got some fruits and veggies out. I got some drinks and set them out on the table.

"So, Y/N. What made you marry my brother?" Tom asked when they came down stairs.

"You want the real answer or the cheesy answer?"

"Cheesy and then real." He laughed.

"Well, first we locked eyes from across the room at the party we were at. I saw him and my heart started beating really fast. He walked up to me and did a super cheesy pick up line. He said, 'Anyone who says Disneyland is the happiest place on earth has clearly never stood next to you.' It was the cheesiest thing, man. Then he asked if I'd like to marry him. So I obviously said yes." Tom laughed out loud.

"Okay, so what's the real reason?" He asked.

"Well Makell, whom you know, dared me to marry someone and she chose Harry. So I went up and asked him if he'd marry me. He thought I was insane but eventually said yes haha. And now here we are." I smiled at Harry.

"Well that's a cute story." Tom laughed again. "Man, I am very tired. I think I'm gonna head to bed. See you in the morning, love birds." He winked at us and went upstairs.

"Come here." Harry said. I went over to him and we hugged for a bit. I yawned. "Darling, you should probably head to bed."

"Yeah, I probably should." He walked me to my door. "It's been a fun and wild day, honey."

"Yes it has. I'll see you in the morning?" He asked.

"Yep. See you in the morning." I pulled him close and gently kissed him. "Goodnight, Mr. Holland." He kissed me one more time. Then he grabbed my hands and hugged me.

"Goodnight, Mrs. Holland." He let go of my hands and walked away. I went into my room and closed my door. As I was getting ready for bed, all I could think about was the crazy amazing day I had just had.

Holy crap. I got married today.

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