Chapter 12

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I woke up in Harry's arms. He looked so peaceful sleeping, and his breathing was calming. I just looked at him for a minute. Wow. He's so beautiful. I heard someone downstairs and realized that it was 7:00. Wow we had slept for 3 hours! I tried to wiggle out of his arms but he tightened them and woke up kind of.

"No don't leave." He mumbled.

"But I'm hungry. You don't wanna know me when I'm hungry."

"Can't be as bad as Tom, babe. No one can." He giggled.

"Okay but I really am hungry. Can we eat dinner??"

"Fine, but after that we're cuddling again."

"Deal." We shook hands. Then got up and went downstairs. We saw Tom on the couch with his phone on his ear while he was laying down.

"Tom?" Harry asked. He held up a finger, telling us to give him a minute. We shrugged and went into the kitchen. There was some pasta and sauce waiting for us, so we served ourselves and started eating. A few minutes later, Tom came and sat by us.

"Makell was here earlier. She said her date went horribly. Then we kissed and got back together, just for her to tell me that she's moving and we can't be together. Did you know she was moving?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I did. She got a really good job offer that she couldn't pass up."

"I'm happy for her, but sad for me."

"It'll work out, Tom. Don't fret!" Harry said, patting his shoulder. He shrugged and got on his phone. After dinner, me and Harry snuggled on the couch while we all watched a movie. It was nice. He laid his head in my lap and I played with his hair. Eventually we both fell asleep, so Tom stopped the movie and went to bed. I woke up around midnight. Harry looked so peaceful, I really didn't want to wake him up, but I was so uncomfortable.

"Harry?" I poked his cheek. "Wake up, honey." Nothing. I tilted his head towards me and kissed him. He immediately woke up. He kissed me back and really got into it. I pulled away and patted his cheek. "You're so hot." I smiled. He laughed at me and sat up.

"Right back atcha." Then he walked me to my door.

"Goodnight, husband." I said.

"Goodnight, wife." He smiled. He gave me a quick kiss and went into his room.

I love being married.

The next day, we decided to finish up the room we painted. We brought the furniture in, the decorations, and the finishing touch, a picture of us on my desk. CUTE CUTE CUTE!!

"It looks good, babe." Harry said, wrapping his hand around my waist.

"It's perfect! Thanks for helping." I smiled at him. He gave me a sweet kiss and we went upstairs.

I decided to get some lunch ready, and he was doing something in his room. He came downstairs and gave me a back hug as I was getting our sandwiches ready. I was putting on the mayo when he sweetly kissed my shoulder. Then my neck. He moved my hair so that he could have better access, and he started sucking a bit harder. I immediately paused. Man, he really knows what he's doing. It took everything in my power not to moan right then and there. He put his hands on my hips and spun me around. I gave in. I smashed my lips onto his hungrily. He pushed me against the counter and pulled me closer to him. I ran my fingers through his hair while he was rubbing my back. Suddenly it dawned on me what was happening. I quickly pushed him away and ran to my room. I shut the door and leaned on it.

'What just happened?' I asked myself. 'Y/N, you've known this guy for like 3 days. You can't get carried away like this. Not after what happened last time.' Suddenly a knock sounded on my door.

"Yes?" I asked.

"It's me. Y/N, I have to say something. But not through the door. Can I come in?" I took a deep breath in, and opened the door. He came in and closed it. I sat on the edge of my desk and he stood by the door.

"Go ahead." I said awkwardly.

"In case you haven't noticed, I really like you, Y/N. A lot more than I thought I would. I know we're technically married, but will you go out with me?" He asked shyly. My heart was racing. I hadn't expected him to just confess like that. I felt a pull to him like none other than I had felt before. I don't care what my mind thinks right now, I have to be close to him.

"Screw it." I said. And I went over and kissed him.

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