Chapter 23

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I sat in Harry's embrace for what felt like forever. We were sitting on the couch in the corner of the room, cuddling.

"I can't believe this. We're actually getting married."

"I know! I'm so excited."

"Oh crap. This means I have to plan a wedding."

"Don't worry, I'll try to help where I can."

"Thanks, honey. Should we go out and find Tom and Odette?"

"Yeah, they're probably waiting for us." We got up off of the couch and walked out into the hallway. We went back into the lobby and saw Odette and Tom eating some snacks. Once Odie saw me, she jumped up and started squealing.

"OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH SHOW ME THE RING!!!!!" She ran over to me. I went over to her and showed her the ring. It was so beautiful. A ruby in the middle, rhinestones surrounding it, and falling down the side of the band.

"Isn't it so pretty?" I asked.

"So so beautiful. I'm so happy for you!!!" She gave me a huge hug.

"Thanks, Odette. I'm so happy, too! And so lucky." We started jumping while hugging. The boys just laughed at us. Then the owner came back into the lobby.

"Mr. Holland, I have your 4 rooms ready. Here are the keys, enjoy your stay! My number is in each room if anything comes up." She smiles and leaves the room.

"We got us each a separate room, but we can share if you want to." I blushed.

"We'll see." I winked at him. We grabbed the keys and went into our rooms. Mine was right next to Harry's, and Odie's was right next to Tom's. I hauled my bags into my room and set them on the floor. I grabbed my pajamas and went into the bathroom. Once I was all changed, I walked back into the bedroom and saw Harry sitting on my bed.

"Paint me like one of your French girls." He said sprawling out and posing. I jumped on the bed.

"Oh shut up." I laughed. Then I grabbed a pillow and started smacking him with it.

"Hey hey!" He blocked his face. "What was that for?"

"Just cause I love you." I winked at him. He pulled me down and held me as tightly as he could, and my ribs felt like they were breaking. "Harry. Please. I can't breathe." I whispered.

"Oh, sorry love." He loosened his arms but kept holding me. "Can I sleep in your bed tonight?" He yawned.

"I'd say yes, but my bed is pretty small."

"I guess it's your lucky day, then. My bed happens to be a king size." He winked at me.

"Okay." I said. I grabbed my phone and charger.

"Wait seriously??"

"Yeah. Let's go, hot stuff." I opened the door. He ran out before I could even process it, and went into his room. He jumped on the bed and held his arms out to hug me.

"Come here, love. I want to hold you." I smiled.

"Let me plug in my phone, first." I found a plug and plugged it in. Then I took my slippers off and slid under the covers. He turned on his side and looked at me.

"You are so cute."

"Shut up. Get under the blankets, it's cold." I snuggled into my blankets more. He took his shoes off, and his SHIRT!!!, and got into bed. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close.

"Mmm you're so warm." He nuzzled into my neck.

"Ahhhh you're freezing, Harry." I pushed his chest away from me.

"But you're making me warm." He whined.

"But you're making me cold." I tried to scoot away from him.

"Okay wait one sec." He started snuggling in the blankets and buried himself under. I felt his hand grab mine, though. After a few minutes, he reappeared and grabbed me again. This time, he was definitely warmer, and I gladly embraced him. Though I had seen him without a shirt on many times, I was still baffled. As I snuggled into his chest, I put my hands on his chest and felt around a little bit.

"You are so ripped."

"Haha thanks, darling." He had his hands wrapped around my waist and I put mine on his chest/stomach area.

"This is so comfy." I settled into him more. He started playing with my hair and it was putting me to sleep.

"I can't wait for so many more nights like this." He whispered into my ear.

"Me either. I can definitely get used to this."

"Same here." I felt myself slip into a deep sleep as he rubbed my back. "Goodnight, Y/N. I love you."

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