Chapter 24

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"Honey love, wake up." I heard. I stretched out and snuggled back into the blankets. Something under me shook, and I heard laughing. "Y/N, we have to get up. They're expecting us back at home today."

Groaning, I stretched again and opened my eyes. In front of me, I saw Harry smiling down at my face. He giggled and kissed my nose. "Why am I awake?"

"Good morning, love. It's 10:00 and we have a day of cooking ahead of us. I told mum that we'd cook dinner for everyone tonight."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because I want to cook with you, my fiancée." He kissed my nose, yet again.

"Fine. But put a shirt on while I get ready. You're too hot." He laughed and laid back down on the bed.


I got out of bed and went back to my room. I got ready to leave, as well as packed all my things back in my bag. I went downstairs to see Odette at the dining table, eating breakfast. "Morning, Odie. Are we really ready before the boys are?"

"Surprisingly, yes." She smiled at me. I sat down and grabbed some food for myself. We chatted for a couple of minutes before the boys finally came down.

"Oh good, you're both here." Tom said. "We have so much travelling left to do, so let's eat quickly and get back home."

"Okay." We ate in silence and then loaded the car. I held Harry's hand in the car and we listened to music together. 

"Yay, you're home!! Let me see the ring!" Nikki came rushing out. I showed her my hand and she squealed. Then gave all of us hugs. We went inside and got settled back in.

For dinner that night, me and Harry made tacos, which were delicious. Everyone loved them and then we watched a movie in the living room after that.

"Bed time." Harry held his hand out to me. I reached out and he pulled me up. We walked up the stairs and into his room.

Snuggling into his arms, he rubbed my back gently as we looked at each other while under the blankets.

"Are you excited?" He asked.

"Stoked." I giggled.

"Good." He kissed my nose and wrapped his arms tighter around me. "Sweet dreams, my love."

"Sweet dreams."

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