Chapter 20

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"Odie!! Are you all packed and ready??" I yelled to her.

"Yeah! I'm just taking my stuff downstairs. Are you ready?" 

"Yeah!" I grabbed my suitcase, backpack, and purse. Then walked downstairs and met her in the living room. Then, the doorbell rang. I went to open it and found Noah and Ellie standing there.

"Hey girl!" Ellie said, bringing me into a hug. "Ready to go?" She asked. I nodded. She and Noah were taking me and Odette to the airport for our flight to London! Noah grabbed our bags and put them in the car. We got in and just chatted for a while until we got to the airport.

"Thank you for bringing us!" I said. 

"Anytime, Holland." Noah said. We gave them hugs and went through security after checking in. Our flight was in about an hour, so we got some snacks and then went to find our gate. We sat there for a while, until my phone started ringing.

"Hey, Harry. We're at the airport!" I said.

"Perfect. I can't wait to see you in 7 hours. I'm so excited."

"He's also insanely nervous." I heard Tom yell in the background.

"Don't worry, I'm also insanely nervous. We haven't seen each other for almost a month and a half. That is nerve racking."

"Thank you. See, Tom? I'm not weird."


"Anyway, I just wanted to wish you a safe flight and a see you soon!"

"Thanks, honey. Can't wait to see you soon! I'll see you at the airport."

"Okay. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up. 

"Flight 1598 to London now boarding at gate A4." I heard the overhead lady say.

"Ready?" I asked Odette.

"Yep!" She answered. We grabbed our purses and backpacks, and walked over to board the plane. When we took off, I held Odie's hand and we smiled at each other.

"Here we come, England!!" 


"Y/N, wake up. We just landed." I heard Odette say. I looked around and saw that people were starting to get off the plane. I grabbed my stuff and we got off.

"Harry was going to come pick us up, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's what he texted us." 

"Okay. Let's use the restroom and then go find him." She nodded and followed me to the nearest bathroom. We got a little more presentable, and headed out to find Harry. We walked past security and looked around for a curly brown haired man, but didn't see him anywhere. I turned my phone off of airplane mode and saw a few texts from Harry.

Hey love, I'll be at the airport when you guys land!
Okay, I'm here.
I'll be waiting by the Starbucks by luggage bay 5
I can't wait to see you<3

"Okay, he says that he's by the Starbucks." I told Odette. We walked over towards luggage bay 5, and I saw him. His curly cute hair, and his smiling face.

"HARRY!!" I yelled. I handed Odette my things and ran to him. He caught me with his strong arms and spun me around.

"Oh I missed you." He whispered in my ear.

"I missed you more." I whispered back. I pulled away and kissed him hard. He eagerly kissed me back and held me close.

"Okay love birds, let's get somewhere more private and then you can eat each others faces off, k?" Odette said behind us. I pulled away and smiled at her.

"Fine." I grabbed my things and we walked out to Harry's car. He put our stuff in the back and we got inside. I sat in the front and held his hand while we drove to his house.

"How was your flight?" He asked.

"Pretty good. I watched 3 romance movies which was amazing, and Y/N slept the whole time. So I entertained myself and just hung out. Oh and we got some snacks, which were so yummy. Plane pretzels just hit different." I laughed.

"Yeah I slept for like 6 hours. It was so nice. That's what I get for waking up at 5 am this morning."

"Well welcome to 7 pm, England time. I'm so excited that you are here!" He squeezed my hand.

"Me too." I smiled at him and turned so that I was looking at him while we were driving.

"Okay. So right now we're headed towards my parents house, where you'll meet everyone. Tom will be there later after filming today. And then he has the whole weekend off to spend with you." He smiled at Odie.

"Oh heck yes. There will be lots of making out, this weekend."

"Keep it to yourself, Odie. I don't need to hear about your lip life."

"Just enjoy your own, then."

"Oh I will." I winked at Harry. He laughed and squeezed my hand again. Around 20 minutes later, we pulled into the driveway of a cute townhome. We got out of the car and grabbed our bags.

"You guys will be staying here, is that okay?" He asked. 

"Yeah, that's fine." We said at the same time. We walked up to the door and stopped for a second.

"Ready to meet my family?" Harry asked us.

"Ready as I'll ever be." And we walked inside.

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