Chapter 15

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After the movie ended, Tom went to his room. Odette said her farewells to Harry and went to our room. I snuggled into Harry more and we just sat there like that for a few minutes.

"I wish I could bunk with you." He said. I looked up at him and he was pouting. I pulled away to be face to face with him.

"I know, but I don't think I'm just comfortable with that yet. At least not for a full night. Naps are fine." I grabbed his hand.

"I know. And I fully respect that. I just love cuddling, because you're so warm." He smiles softly.

"Do you need more blankets?" I asked.

"No, you just have a warmth about you." He pokes my ribs. I glared at him.

"K, night." I got up and started walking away. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back down so that I was sitting on his lap.

"Not so fast, Y/N." He smiled. He leaned in and gently kissed me. I happily kissed him back. After a few kisses, I pulled away.

"I'm so tired, honey."

"Let's get you to bed, then." I got off his lap and he stood up. He grabbed my hand and walked me to my door. I wrapped my arms around his waist and gave him a warm hug.

"You give good hugs." I said.

"You are my favorite person to hug. Besides my mom, of course." He said.

"As it should be. Moms are the best. I miss my mom. I should call her." I said.

"Maybe tomorrow? It's already 12:30 AM."

"Good idea." I laughed. I pulled away and gave him a gentle kiss.

"Goodnight, Y/N."

"Goodnight, Harry." I let go of him and went into my room to find Odette smirking at me from the bed. She was in her jammies reading a book.

"I need to know every. single. detail." She said, putting her book down.

"Okay, what do you want to know?"

"Like I said, every detail." I laughed. As I was getting dressed, I told her all about the bet, us getting married, painting the room, making out (a lot), and how we're dating while married.

"Bestie, I'm so jealous right now. I want a man."

"You will get a man. Just wait for the right one, babe." I said.

"WELL HE'S TAKING TOO LONG!" She yelled. I laughed.

"Then screw men!"

"Yes! Screw men!" We laughed. I got my pj's on and we brushed our teeth at the same time. Like besties do, ya know? Then we jumped into bed and cuddled for a minute.

"Odette?" She hummed. "Thanks for being here." She smiled at me.

"Thanks for letting me sleep in your bed instead of your husband."

"Of course. You get 1st dibs, dude."

"But for reals, I'm glad you're my best friend."

"Me too. I love you, Odie."

"I love you more, Y/N. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I fell asleep that night with Odettes leg over both of mine, and her lightly breathing on the pillow next to mine.

The next morning, I woke up before Odette and went into the bathroom. I put my hair up in a disgusting messy bun, love day 3 hair, brushed my teeth, and went downstairs. I grabbed a bowl, some cereal, and milk. I sat at the dinner table and ate while I scrolled through Instagram. I heard someone walk down the stairs and I saw Odette looking like a zombie. I couldn't help myself from bursting out into laughter.

"Shut up." She glared at me. She grabbed another bowl and sat down by me. "You're very fun to cuddle with."

"Thanks bestie." I laughed. Suddenly Harry came downstairs and walked over to us.

"Good morning, ladies. Looking fabulous as always." He smiled.

"I hate you." Odette glared at him. He leaned down and gave me a kiss. Then he grabbed a bowl and joined us.

"What's on the schedule for today?" He asked.

"Ooh." I quickly swallowed. "We are going to my favorite book store to find me some new books." I pointed at Harry.

"What kind of books?" Harry asked.

"Romance ones, obviously." I smiled.

"Okay. Deal. Odette? What about you?"

"I'll probably just stay here and chill. I need a major break from working." I nodded.

"You do that, Odie." Once we finished breakfast, Harry did the dishes while I went and got changed. I listened at Tom's door to see if he was awake, but I heard some faint snoring. "Precious." Then I got ready to go. Once I was all dressed and presentable, I went back downstairs. Harry looked over at me and smiled.

"Ready to go?" I nodded.

"Bye Odette! Don't die while we're gone!"

"No promises." She mumbled back. I laughed and grabbed Harry's hand. We went to my car and he opened my door for me. How cute is that?!?!


"Obviously." He plugged his phone in and started playing some music. We jammed out for a bit until we got to the bookstore. I immediately went to the romance aisle and left Harry to wander. He found something he liked and sat down to read it a little bit. I eventually went and sat by him with my book, and we just read there for a little bit. Occasionally we'd look at each other and smile, but it was nice just to be in each others presence.

"Ready to head back home?" He asked after about an hour.

"Yeah, let me just buy this one. It's really good!!" I squealed. He laughed and followed me to the counter. He sneakily stole my card from me and paid for it himself. "Harry!!"

"I never officially gave you a wedding gift, so count this towards that."

"Dude, I don't need a wedding gift."

"Well, you're getting one anyway." And he winked at me. My cheeks immediately flushed. How adorable is he. We got back home and found Odette and Tom making out on the couch.

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