Chapter 7

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After breakfast, and a little make out sesh, I decided to go the store.

"Harry! I'm going to Home Depot! Wanna come with?"

"Yeah! Let me grab my shoes." He came downstairs a minute later and we drove to Home Depot.

"Ok. I need light blue paint, painters tape, brushes/rollers, a paint holder, tarps, and some white t-shirts. Got that?"

"Yep. It's on the list." He smiled. I grabbed a cart and we started walking around the store. We ordered paint first and got all the other things. We tried to get the paint, but it wasn't done yet. So we decided to go look at kitchens.

"Harry!" I yelled. "Come look at this fridge!!" He came over and put his arm around my waist. Okay, cute.

"Oooh I like that one. It's really nice. Did you see that sink?"

"Yeah! That's my favorite one here by far." We laughed. "Wow I never imagined that looking at kitchens would be so fun."

"Me either." We kind of just stared into each other's eyes for a minute until I heard my name.

"Y/N Holland, your paint is ready at the paint counter." The intercom said.

"Can you grab it for me? I forgot something. Be right back!" I asked Harry. Then I proceeded to run away from him as fast as I could. I got to the section I was looking for and found the perfect design. "Oh he's gonna love this!" I looked at the girl behind the counter. "I'll take this one please!" When she was done I ran back to the paint section and found Harry grabbing some corner brushes.

"Just in case."

"Ooh good thinking!" We paid and got back in the car. When we got home, Harry carried all the things into the house.

"Is right here okay, love?" He asked.

"Yeah that's perfect." And he set them on the counter.

"Tom! We're home!" Harry yelled. No answer. "He's probably at some press event. Anyway, what are we gonna do with this stuff?"

"You know that 'fun' room in the basement? The one with the creepy painting?"


"Well, I'm redoing it and making it into my office. So today, we're gonna paint it!" I did jazz hands.

"Oh. That's so exciting." He said super sarcastically. I smacked him.

"Come on! It's gonna be so fun. Such a bonding moment. And the shirts are so we can have paint fights and make cute designs on them." I smiled. He laughed and engulfed me in a hug.

"You are too cute to resist."

"I know." I said into his chest. Then I pulled away and handed him a paint roller. "Come on, Holland. Let's get to work!" We grabbed all the stuff and went downstairs. We laid the tarps down, got the paint and brushes ready, put up painters tape, and changed into our cute new t-shirts. The first think I did was paint a smiley face on this back. He loved it. In fact, he loved it so much that he painted one on my face! So sweet of him:)

"Can I turn on some music?" He asked after a couple minutes.

"Yeah go for it." He grabbed his speaker and turned on some AC/DC.

"Oh yes! This is one of my all time favorite bands." I laughed. We just painted, sang, and chatted for a couple hours. It was soooo fun! I learned a lot about him that I hadn't known before. I mean we had only been married a day, but still. We kept drawing things on each other's shirts, and eventually I drew our initials on his.



"Wanna do something crazy?"


"What if we signed our initials on one of the walls to remember this day?" He asked.

"I love it!! Let's do this one." I grabbed a pen and went to the wall right by the door. I signed my initials. Then he grabbed the pen, signed HRH, and drew a heart around our names.

"A heart for my love." He said. I blushed. "Aww darling did I make you blush?"

"No..." I mumbled.

"Here let me try again." And he grabbed my face and kissed me. I melted into it. Man oh man. I think I'm really starting to like this guy.

"Hey gu-" Tom started. "EW!!!!" He yelled and covered his eyes. "Get a room!" I pulled away and grabbed a paint brush.

"We're painting a room, Tom." I threw my paint brush at him which got on his shirt.

"Ooh that's gonna leave a mark." Harry laughed. Then he looked at me and winked. 😉

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