Chapter 21

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"Harry!! Welcome home!" I heard a woman yell. She came around the corner and hugged him. She had short red hair, and was so beautiful. She pulled away and looked at me.

"Mum, this is Y/N." He grabbed my hand.

"Hi, Mrs. Holland, It's an honor to meet you." I put my hand out to shake hers.

"Oh please, give me a hug. And call me Nikki." She pulled me in for a hug and held me tightly. It was nice.

"And this is Odette." Harry pointed to her. Odie gave her a hug, too.

"Come in girls. I'll show you to your room. It's okay if you share a room, right?"

"Yeah, of course!" We said in unison. We grabbed our bags and went upstairs to our room. It was a cute light blue painted room, with a queen bed sitting in the middle. There was a spacious closet, and a dresser in the corner. It will be perfect for us.

"This looks perfect, Nikki. Thank you so much for letting us stay here!" I told her.

"You girls are always welcome. You've captured my sons hearts and I'm grateful that it's you." She pulled us in for another hug. "I'm going to go help Sam with dinner and you guys can come down whenever you are ready!" She left the room. 

"I'm taking the left side." Odette said.

"Good, because I wanted the right side." I put my things on the floor and got somewhat situated. 

"How is everything going in here?" Harry came in and asked.

"Going well. As long as Y/N doesn't cuddle with me, we'll be fine."

"You literally told me that you were so excited to cuddle while we were here."

"Shut up." She punched me in the arm. 

"Harry which one is your wife??" A kid came running into the room.

"That would be me." I raised my hand.

"Hi. I'm Paddy. Your brother in-law. Welcome to our home."

"Thank you, Paddy. I'm Y/N. Oh and this is Odette. She's kind of dating Tom." He smiled at her.

"Do you want to play Mario Kart with me downstairs?"

"Do I?" They ran out of the room and down into the basement. 

"What did you have to pay him to get her out of the room?"

"Just $10. He's cheap." Harry laughed. He came over and pulled me close. I hugged him and we stood there like that for a minute.

"I missed you."

"I missed you more. I don't know how we survived a month and a half away from each other. I barely did it." He whispered in my ear.

"Well hopefully we won't have to do it again. You know that I work remotely, so I can come with you when you go places. That is, if you want me to."

"Of course I want you to! I want my wife with me always." I pulled away and looked at him. 

"You are so cheesy."

"It just happens when I'm with you."

"Well then shut up and kiss me." And he did. He grabbed and pulled me closer. Our mouths attached and it felt as if we had never been apart. Muscle memory kicked in, and I was taken to heaven. Our lips moved in sync and we got lost in the moment. I have no idea how long we were up there kissing, but eventually Odie came into the room and told us to come down for dinner. Harry gave me one last kiss and we went downstairs. Sam had prepared an extravagant meal for us, and I was so excited to eat it. 

"Nice to meet you in person, Sam. And thank you for this yummy looking dinner." I told him. He gave me a side hug and we sat at the dinner table. I had met him a few times when chatting with Harry on the phone, so we were already best buds. We talked about random things throughout dinner, but it was mostly Nikki getting to know me and Odette. She asked us a lot of questions, but we didn't mind. She was so sweet and I'm really glad that she liked me. Especially since I married her son without her knowing. Then we heard the front door open, and Tom came inside. 

"Hello?" He yelled. Odette jumped up from her chair.

"TOMMY!!" She yelled. She ran into the front room and jumped into his arms. Instantly their lips were on each others, devouring hungrily.

"Save that for later, Odie." I groaned. They pulled away and smiled at us.

"Nice to see you, Y/N. Welcome to England." Tom came and gave me a hug.

"Thanks Tom. Glad that you can entertain Odie, now. She's been whining all day about how bad she wanted to see you."

"Well here I am, darling." He went and pulled her into a tight hug. Then he sat down and joined us for dinner. We all talked the night away and I eventually ended up with Harry on the couch cuddling. I decided to go up to my room to get ready for bed, and told them that I would be back in a bit. I grabbed my pajamas, and was just about to change when I heard my door open. I looked over and saw Harry walking in, quietly closing the door.

"What's up?" I asked him. He said nothing as he strode across the room and kissed me suddenly. It was full of hunger and passion, as if he had been waiting for months for this. Technically he had, though. He ran his hands over my body and lifted me up so that I was straddling him. He set me down on the bed and continued to kiss me hard. I eagerly kissed him back and he shivered under my touch. His hands started playing with the hem of my shirt, and he started to move them up.

"Is this okay?" He pulled away and asked. I nodded. He kissed me again and grabbed my waist under my shirt and rubbed it with his thumbs. I played with the hem of his shirt. He shivered again and pulled away.

"Sorry, should I not have done that?" I asked

"No it's just, I don't know if I'll be able to control myself any longer. Do you want to keep going? Or do you want to stop? I just want you to be comfortable."

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