Chapter 22

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"Let's stop." I said, sitting up. I adjusted my clothes and stood up.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just want our relationship to be a little more set in stone when we go that far."

"What do you mean? Do you not trust our relationship?"

"No, of course I do. I'm just waiting until marriage. And before you say anything, yes I know we're legally married, but emotionally it feels like we're still dating. I want to be completely sure of things before we do that."

"That makes sense. And don't worry about it. I'm here for you, and want you to be comfortable. And if that is waiting until we're completely and totally married, then I'll do it. I just want to be yours and only yours. No matter how long it takes."

"Thanks, Harry. That really means a lot." I pulled him into a hug. I pulled away and looked at him. "I love you." He smiled.

"I love you more." He pecked me on the lips and pulled me into another hug.

"Okay, love birds. You guys made out for 30 minutes and I'm tired. Can you take it to Harry's room or stop?" Odette asked from the door. She sounded very tired.

"Sorry, Odie. You can come inside." I said. She walked in and saw me hugging Harry.

"Goodnight." She said and she laid on the bed.

"Let's go in the hallway." I whispered to Harry, leading him out of the room. We walked to the kitchen where I grabbed some water. He back hugged me as I drank it and rested his chin on my shoulder. I walked to the fridge to grab a yogurt, and he walked with me, still hugging me.

"You smell nice." He said.

"Weirdo." I pushed him off of me. "I'm also tired, so I'm going to bed. Walk me to my room?" He nodded. We walked to my room and I gave him one last lingering kiss. Then I walked in my room and got ready for bed. I fell into my bed once I was ready and closed my eyes. Right as I was about to fall asleep, I heard Odette mumbling something.

"Tommy, I think I love you. But I know you don't love me back. Please love me?" She cuddled into me and I played with her hair.

"Goodnight, Odie. I love you."

"I love you too, Y/N. Not as much as Tom, though." I laughed and closed my eyes.


"Wakey wakey." I heard in my ear. I jumped up and found Odette whispering in my ear and laughing her head off.

"Creeper." I pushed her away and snuggled into the bed even more.

"Bestie, it's Saturday. Tom and Harry are taking us on a scavenger hunt, to their friends restaurant, and then they have a surprise for us. Oh and pack some overnight clothes, we'll be staying out."

"Fine." I got out of bed. I brushed my teeth, got changed, and went downstairs. The boys were at the table eating some pancakes, while Odie was playing Mario Kart with Paddy in the living room.

"Morning, love." Harry smiled at me.

"Morning." I pecked him on the lips and grabbed a pancake. Then I loaded it with Nutella and walked into the living room. I ate it like a taco and watched Paddy destroy Odie in Rainbow Road.

"Paddy, let me win for once!" She yelled.

"Not a chance. I never lose." He said laughing. She sighed and kept driving. She came in 4th place while he was in 1st.

"Y/N, take my place please. I know you've never lost a game of Mario Kart, put him in his place."

"Okay." I finished my pancake and took the controller.

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