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-- 2 Months Later --

I looked out at the audience in front of me. Odette, Eme, Kai, Brianna, and Ellie stood to my right. Harry was at my very left, with Tom, Sam, and Paddy to his left. I held up my bouquet and everyone cheered. My parents were in the front row smiling, and I saw tears in my moms eyes. Harry's parents were cheering and smiling bigger than I'd seen before. We walked down the aisle and everyone clapped. Once we got to the end, Harry pulled me close and kissed me deeply. The audience cheered louder and I laughed into the kiss. After pictures with everyone, we went to the car waiting outside and got in.

"Bro, that was epic." I said to Harry once he got in.

"Yeah it was. I love our friends." 

"Me too. Lunch?"

"Yes please." We went to Wendy's and grabbed some food before the reception in a few hours. Eventually we went back to the house and I changed into a smaller more low-key white dress to wear to the reception.

"Y/N!" Harry yelled from downstairs.


"I need help with something."

"Coming." I ran down the stairs and found him in the kitchen.

"How do you turn on the disposal?"

"The button that says disposal." I pointed to it. He blushed.

"Oh yeah."

"Weirdo." I went into the living room and went to put my shoes back on.

"What's the rush?"

"We have to be to the reception hall in an hour, and I want to be ready."

"Babe, it's an hour. It takes 10 minutes to get there so chill."


"Wanna make out?"

I burst out laughing. "Yeah." 

He sat next to me and cupped my face with his hands. "You are so beautiful." Then he leaned in and kissed me gently. He caressed my face and then wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. I put my hands on his chest and pulled him closer to me, too. Our kisses weren't rushed or heated, because we knew that we'd have time for that later. He was so gentle with me, acting as if I could break easily. 

A bit later, my phone started ringing. We pulled away and caught our breath. I picked up my phone and saw that Ellie was calling.

"Hey El, what's up?"

"Just wanted to let you know that we have to be at the reception hall in 20 minutes. I figured you guys were distracted so I wanted to give you a heads up."

"Oh gosh. Thanks girl, we'll be there soon." I hung up and looked at Harry. His face was flush and he looked at me like I was the only thing that mattered. "We are needed, Mr. Holland."

He grabbed my hand and stood up. "Then off we go." 

We got to the reception hall and everything looked perfect. Flowers everywhere, fairy lights all over, and people chatting all around. It was everything that I had imagined. 

"Oh good, you're here." Odette ran over to me. "You need to go stand in that spot over there to get ready for the receiving line." 

We walked over to the X on the floor and stood there, welcoming and greeting all of the guests.

"So Close," by Jon McLaughlin was our first dance song. As Harry held me in his arms, all I could feel was love. My family and friends all around me, and my favorite person to ever exist in front of me. He kissed my nose and whispered sweet nothings in my ear. I felt so cherished and had never been happier. 

Everyone sent us off with sparklers and we drove away to our hotel for the evening. In the morning we'd be flying to Greece for our honeymoon, but tonight it was a hotel by the airport. Not that I'm complaining though, because I'm good as long as I'm with Harry.

"Checking in for the Hollands, please." Harry said to the receptionist. She handed us the key and we went into the elevator. I held my suitcase while Harry stared at me.

"What?" I asked him.

"You have no idea how excited I am right now."

I blushed. "I'm glad." He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. 

Once we got to the room, I set my stuff down and looked around a bit. I was about to go into the bathroom when Harry pulled my arm and turned me around. He gazed at me lovingly before kissing me. Hard. I welcomed him and eagerly kissed back. It was full of hot passion, unlike our one earlier. He walked me backward until I hit the bed and I sat down. He pulled away long enough to take his shirt off and then hover over me. He attached our lips again while roaming his hands all over my body. Then he pulled me up and started zipping my dress down ever so slowly. Heat was already ignited inside of me, so I took my zipper and yanked it down.

"Too slow, bro."

I attacked his lips while he pried my dress off. Then I was just in my undergarments. He looked at me and smiled while exploring with his eyes.

"Harry?" I asked in a small voice.

He looked back up at me and his brow creased.

"Yeah, love? Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just a little nervous. I've never done this before."

"Honey, I haven't either. And I'm also nervous. But I'm easily more excited. We'll take it slow, okay? I'll tell you everything I'm doing so that nothing surprises you, is that okay?"

I nodded. "That sounds good."

And it was. For our first time, it was eventful. It hurt like crap, and was actually really awkward. Not being with him, but the act of it. It would be awkward with anyone, I think. I kept scratching him and he would wince, but eventually I learned to grip with my finger tips, not my finger nails. He also went into the wrong hole a couple of times, but it worked out. We got into a rhythm and eventually drowned in the bliss of being united as one.

--11 Months Later--

"Girl, imagine actually thinking that that man is hot." I pointed to the screen at the show we were watching. The Bachelor.

"Y/N, be quiet. Jacob D is so attractive."

"Odie, you used to have such good taste? What happened?"

"A couple things. I fell in love with a movie star. And then the pregnancy hormones messed me up."

"Oh yeah, that would do it. I hate the hormones."

"At least we've stopped crying as much."

"True." We laughed.

"I'm glad that we get to experience this together. Being pregnant."

"Me too. Our kids are going to be best friends, I just know it."

"Oh yeah. Obviously."

I re-settled onto the couch and then felt something wet. I looked down and saw the couch covered in my placenta.

"Crap." I groaned.


"My stupid water just broke. And we still have 45 minutes left in this episode."

"YOUR WATER JUST BROKE??" Odette yelled.

"WHAT?" Harry yelled from the basement. He ran up the stairs and came over to me. "Are you okay? Do we need to go to the hospital?"

"Yeah, probably. Let's go." I grabbed the bag and waddled out the door. Tom was away filming again, so Odette came with us.

When we got to the hospital, they took me back to a room and got me prepped. 10 hours later, we had a beautiful daughter. 

"Jane Nicola Holland." I told the nurse. "She's adorable."

"She certainly is a calm baby." The nurse smiled. Harry came back into the room and over to my side.

"How's our girl?"

"Perfect. Everything's perfect."

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