Chapter 14

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That evening, me and Harry sat on the couch cuddling and scrolling through TikTok.

"You haven't heard the corn song? Are you a real human?" I asked.

"I'm sorry that I'm 2 years older than you, y/n."

"It's okay, you can't help it. I like older men anyway." I winked. Someone gagged.

"You guys are disgusting." I looked over at Tom.

"Aww thanks, Tom."

"Anytime." Suddenly the doorbell rang. I got up to get it. I opened the door and there she was. My best friend in the whole entire world and favorite cousin, Odette.


"Y/N!!!!!!" She yelled. I attacked her in a hug and we almost fell over.

"Bestie, what are you doing here??" I asked.

"I got bored in Texas, so I came to visit my favorite person. Oh also to see your new husband whom I had to hear about from Eme. EME!! I love the girl, but I should've heard it from you, babe." I blushed as we pulled away from the hug.

"Oh yeah. Sorry. It's been a crazy few days. I don't even know how many. 4? I think 4." She just looked at me.

"Okay well where is he?" She asked.

"Right here." His hot voice said. He came up behind us and held my hand. "Harry Holland."

"Odette Jones." They shook hands.

"Let me get this for you." He grabbed her suitcase and she came inside.

"Since we have a full house, she can bunk with me." I smiled at her.

"YES!" She yelled. "It's perfect." Harry laughed and took her stuff to my room. We walked into the living room and she saw Tom on the couch.

"Oh, that's Tom."

"I know who he is, Y/N." She smiled. She went and sat by him on the couch. "Sup." He looked at her.


"I'm Odette. Nice to meet you." She held her hand out for him to shake.

"Tom, you as well." He took her hand. I sat back on the couch and waited for Harry to come down. He came and sat by me when he was back. He put his arm around my shoulders and I snuggled into him.

"So Odette, how long are you planning to be here?" He asked.

"I'm not sure yet. A few weeks, at least."

"WE ARE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN!!" I squealed. She squealed right back.

"YES!!!!!" The boys laughed. 

"Wanna watch a movie?" Tom asked.

"YES!!!" Me and Odette said at the same time. I went into the kitchen to grab some popcorn when Harry came up behind me. He put his arms around my waist and gave me a back hug.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi." I laughed. "Did you miss me already?"

"Yeah."  He buried his face in my neck. I got the bowls out for popcorn and now I was just waiting for it to be done. He started kissing my neck gently which tickled me. I squirmed to get out of his grasp but he didn't budge. 

"Harry!" I whisper yelled. "Stop that tickles!" I started giggling. He laughed. I smacked his arm.

"Hey that hurt!" He suddenly pulled away.

"Well you were tickling me! That's what you get." I turned around to face him. "If it's flight or fight, I fight. Just so you know." I winked at him.

"Good to know." He smirked and went back to kissing my neck. I leaned against the counter and just let him give me sweet little kisses. Inside, I was absolutely freaking out. But on the outside, I was the image of calm and collected. He found a spot that he knew I liked and started sucking. Slowly he sucked harder and harder. I found myself gripping the counter. 


"Yes, love?" He mumbled.

"What if someone walks in?"

"They won't. I told them to stay out no matter what." And he went back to my neck. I could feel myself starting to want more, so I pulled his head away and looked him in the eyes.

"If you give me a hickey, I will hurt you." He laughed.

"You've already hit me once, another time won't be so bad." I glared at him. He was about to go back to my neck when I suddenly kissed him. At first he froze, but then pulled me closer and got into it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with his hair. He pushed me against the counter and kissed me deeply. Our tongues found each other and explored. I don't know if it was 2 or 20 minutes that we stood there, but it was amazing. I moved my hands to his back and he cupped my face with his hands. I explored his back muscles and I could feel him flexing for me on purpose. Men are so weird, but hot. I'll survive. He put his hands back on my back and pulled me impossibly closer by my lower back. He was starting to move lower when I heard someone coughing very, very loudly.

"Hey lovebirds, get in here! I'm ready to watch 'Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses'!" Odette yelled. I slowly pulled away.

"Well, it was fun, Harold." I patted his shoulder, grabbed the popcorn, and walked towards the living room. I looked back at him and he was standing there with his mouth open. I laughed and went back to the couch. "Just give him a second, he needs to process." Odette rolled her eyes.

"Gross, bestie. Just disgusting." She looked at me.

"Totally agree." Tom said. Odette looked at him and they high fived. A couple minutes later, Harry came back in. He sat by me and pulled me close.

"You are an evil woman." He whispered in my ear. I booped his nose and snuggled close.

"Anything for my husband." He shook his head but pulled me closer.

I love this.

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