Chapter 10

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Harry grabbed the phone from me quickly hung up.

"Crap." He whispered. "I'll be back. I've gotta go smooth some things over." He gave me a squeeze of his hand and went upstairs.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't realize it would make him this mad."

"Whatever, Tom. What's done is done. What are you gonna do about Makell?"

"I have no idea. I'm not gonna crash her date. What do you think?"

"I dont know Tom. You've just gotta be yourself and show her what she means to you. Which means no kissing anyone but her, okay?"

"Obviously. She's the only one I want to kiss anyway." He smiled.

"Cuties." I said as I walked into the kitchen. "I need some stuff from the store for dinner, so I'll be back. Need anything?"

"No I'm good. But have fun!"

"Thanks." And then I left to go to the store. While I was in the ice cream isle, I heard someone yell my name.

"Y/N!" I turned around and saw my college boyfriend Drew.

"Drew. Hey." I said dryly. Let's just say we broke up because I found him in bed with my ex-best friend Alexia.

"How have you been?" He came to hug me but I got out of the way.

"I've been really good. Bought my own house, got promoted to manager at my job, oh and I got married!" I waved my ring in his face.

"Oh. Umm wow. It sounds like you're doing really well."

"Yeah I am."

"Well if you ever wanna hang out, or get sick of your husband," he winked, "just call me." I slapped him right then and there.

"I love my husband and I would never call you for anything. Except maybe for advice about how to get caught cheating. Go away Drew. No one likes you." And I walked away. I heard him whispering some kind of profanity but I ignored it and walked away. I'm definitely gonna need ice for my hand later.

"I'm home! Can someone help me with the groceries?" I yelled as I walked into the house. Tom came and grabbed all the bags from my arms.

"Wow you got lots of food." He laughed.

"Well with 3 people living here, we're gonna need a lot of food. Where's Harry?"

"Still upstairs."

"Really? I was gone for an hour."

"Yeah." Tom sighed. "I think he fell asleep. I heard Sam yelling at him and I think he just needed a break."

"Oh that makes sense. I feel bad that he's getting so much backlash from this. Maybe we shouldn't have gotten married." I started putting groceries away.

"Y/N, no. He's so happy and what's done is done. You guys are cute together, so don't go regretting anything."

"Thanks, Tom." I smiled and gave him a hug. "I'm gonna go check on him. Can you finish putting these groceries away?"

"You got it." I walked up the stairs and checked Harry's room. No one was in it. So I looked in Tom's room but it was also empty. I went into my room and found Harry under my blankets cuddling a pillow. I could hear his slow and steady breathing so I knew he was asleep. I turned the lights off and pulled open the covers. There was just enough room for me to lay beside him and snuggle up. I took my shoes off and got into bed. I tried to be quiet but I woke him up.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." He turned over to face me.

"No it's alright. How was shopping?"

"It was fine. I ran into my ex and ended up slapping him which was nice, but I'm worried about you. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay. Or I will be, at least. My family is pretty mad but they're cooling down. I had a headache so I laid down. Hope that's okay."

"Totally fine." I smiled. He reached up to put my hair behind my ear and out of my face. Then he leaned in and gently kissed me. I kissed him back. It was so nice to have someone to talk to. Sometimes I get lonely which is never fun, so I'm gonna take advantage of this.

"I'm still pretty tired. Wanna take a nap with me?"

"Of course." I smiled at him. "I've had a long day of slapping people and I need to rest." He put his arm around my shoulders and brought me close to him so my head was laying on his chest. He smelled so good. I could hear his breathing slow down and I could tell he was asleep. That's the last I remember before drifting off into a sweet sleep.

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