Chapter 17

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"What?" I asked.

"We have to go back to England." Harry said. He stood up and grabbed my hand. "Can we talk in your room?" He asked. I nodded. He lead me to my room and closed the door. I sat on the bed and he grabbed my hand.

"You really have to leave so soon?" He sadly nodded.

"Tom has filming and as his assistant, I've got to go. It'll only be for a few months, and then I'll be back here before you know it."

"But we just started dating." I said sadly.

"I know, honey. But we can do this!! I care for you too much to let you go because of some stupid distance."

"Dude this isn't just some distance. We live in California. You'll be in England. That's quite a bit of distance, bro."

"Y/N. We can do this. I believe in us." He pleaded.

"Okay. I'm willing to try, at least." I relented.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!" He smiled. Then attacked me with kisses all over my face and brought me into a big hug.

"I guess you should start packing, shouldn't you?"

"Probably." I went downstairs and saw Odette and Tom cuddling on the couch.

"We're not gonna exclusively date, but we're basically gonna date." She suddenly said.

"Odie, we were supposed to tell them that later." Tom said squeezing her even tighter.

"Gross." I said. "We're gonna do long distance, we've decided."

"That's it." Odette said. "I'm moving in with you. I'll take Tom's room. For obvious reasons." She winked at him. I fake threw up.

"Fine. I'm gonna help Harry start packing." I went up to his room and saw him trying to organize his stuff on his bed.

"Why do I have so many things, Y/N?" He asked me.

"I dont know, but it's cute." I smiled. For the next hour, we talked while putting stuff into suitcases.

"Okay, so movie night tonight, and then tomorrow we have one last fun day?" He asked.

"Yeah that sounds good. Odie said that they're in, too."

"Great!" He said. Then he grabbed me and threw me on the bed.

"Harry! What the heck?!" I yelled. He leaned over me and smirked. Then suddenly kissed me with a hunger. I openly kissed him back and my hands started rubbing his back. We eventually changed positions so that he was sitting against the headboard and I was straddling him. Never breaking apart though, except to breathe. He had his hands all over me while I was just feeling his abs. Wow. We made out for a good hour, I'd say. Eventually we ended up cuddling on his bed and I fell asleep for a bit. I woke up to him playing with my hair looking at me.

"You are beautiful, Y/N." He said smiling. I buried my face in his chest and groaned.

"You're so cheesy." He laughed and continued playing with my hair. Suddenly, a knock sounded at the door. Odie popped her head in.

"Oh good. You're done making out. Way to be quiet, by the way." I blushed. "Anyway, me and Tom made Mac n cheese for dinner. Come get some and then we'll watch Tangled." I nodded and she walked back out. Once me and Harry got up, we went downstairs and grabbed some Mac n cheese. Home made, thanks to Odette. We sat on the couch and ate while watching the movie. Eventually we finished eating and cuddled up. When it ended, we just scrolled through our phones together. True couple stuff, right?

"Goodnight, love." Harry said as he hugged me at my door.

"Night, hun." I kissed him and went inside. Tomorrow is my last day with him for a while, but I'm gonna make the most out of it.

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