Chapter 18

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"GET UP!!!" Odette yelled in my ear. She blew a whistle, too. "IT'S THE LAST DAY THE BOYS ARE HERE AND WE'RE MAKING IT THE BEST. SO GET UP AND LET'S GET GOING!" I groaned and got more under the blankets.

"Odie, it's 6 am."

"Yeah, but in 24 hours they'll be gone." I sat up at that.

"Really?" She nodded. "Okay." I got in the shower and then got ready for the day. When I walked downstairs, Odette was making breakfast. So basically getting our favorite cereals out, with bowls and spoons.

"Okay let's wake up the boys!" She said happily. We walked to their doors. She opened it and jumped on Tom. "TOMMY BOY!!! WAKE UP!" He groaned and grabbed her. I just laughed. I slowly opened Harry's door to see him happily sleeping. He's such a dream boat. I quietly walked over to his bed and got under the blankets with him. Then out of habit, he grabbed me and pulled me close. That was when I realized he wasn't wearing a shirt.

"Eww Harry why aren't you wearing a shirt??" I asked, trying to get away.

"I never sleep with a shirt on, hun." He snuggled into my neck. I laughed and shook my head.

"Weirdo. Anyway, it's time for breakfast." I pulled away. He groaned.

"Nooo don't go away. I love cuddling with you." He reached his hands out like a baby waiting for me to cuddle back into him.

"Nope. Time for brekkie. Then we have a day of fun ahead of us!!"

"Whyyyy??" He groaned again.

"Let's make a deal. If you get up now, we can make out later." He shot out of bed and immediately put a shirt on.

"I'm definitely holding you to that." I laughed. Then he came over and gave me a quick hug and kiss. "Good morning." He said.

"Morning. Now let's eat breakfast and then get on with our day!" We went downstairs and ate breakfast with Odette and Tom.

"Okay. Now that breakfast is over, let's plan our day. First off, we're going to an escape room this morning." Odie started. I wrote it down on my phone. "Then we'll head to lunch. After that, we'll have the afternoons to ourselves. Y'all can do whatever. Then we'll meet up for dinner and then do a movie night. Sound good?" We all nodded. Once the boys were ready, we got in our cars and drove to the escape room. Let's just say that me and Odie kept messing things up and we didn't make it out in time... oh well.

"Where should we go for lunch?" Tom asked.

"I want a burger." I said.

"Sounds good to me."

"Me too."

"Cool. Wendy's?"

"Aight." And then we headed off to Wendy's. I got a biggie bag, because those are underrated. Definite favorite right there.

"Okay, we'll see you at the restaurant at 6:30. Deal?"

"Deal!" Me and Harry got in my car and sat as we watched Tom and Odette drive away.

"So what should we do, love?"

"Hmm. We should go to and arcade. Ooh or bowling. And I did promise you a make out sesh." Harry smiled.

"Bowling and then back home?" I nodded. We drove to the bowling alley and started. I didn't do fantastic, but Harry did worse. So I felt better about myself.

"Sorry you lost, hun. I've just practiced."

"It's okay. You can make it up to me at home." He winked.

"Fine. Let's go." I drove home and we held hands the whole time. I closed the door after Harry and immediately was pushed against the wall.

"I've been waiting for this for so long." He whispered before kissing me passionately. He wrapped his hands around my waist and held me close. I ran my hands through his hair and our tongues intertwined. He put his hands under my thighs and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso and he moved us to the couch. I straddled his lap as we kissed more and more, harder and harder. My hands went to his shirt where I started running my hands over his abs. I felt him shudder under my touch. Then he moved from kissing my mouth to kissing my neck. He gave me soft kisses all over, and once he found my sweet spot, he started nibbling and sucking, desperately wanting to give me a hickey. I gasped when he found it and felt butterflies spreading all throughout my body. I grabbed his face and brought his mouth back to mine so that I could taste him again. He tasted so sweet. Then he pulled away for a second and put his forehead on mine.

"You good?" I asked.

"So good. Never been better, baby." Then he kissed me again. I stopped straddling him and moved to lean on the arm of the couch, with my legs on his lap. I couldn't get enough of this man and his lips. We continued to kiss for over an hour after that. Once my lips were insanely puffy and red, we pulled away and cuddled on the couch. I put an alarm for 6:00 on my phone, and we fell asleep in each others arms.

I woke up at the sudden alarm coming from my phone. I realized that it was 6:00 and we needed to head to the restaurant. I crawled out of Harry's arms and started beating him up with a pillow.

"Get up!" I laughed. He glared up at me and started laughing.

"Okay okay let's go." He relented. I went to get some water and realized that my lips were hurting. I went to look in a mirror and saw that they were a dark red/purple from Harry. He went a little crazy with this one, but it was worth it. I won't see him for a while. We got in the car and went to the dinner restaurant. I saw Odette and Tom when we walked in, so I grabbed Harrys hand and led us to the table. We talked for a while and then ate yummy dinner. When we went back home, we got snacks and the movie ready. Both couples cuddled on the couch and then went our separate ways that night.

"Y/N, wake up. They're getting ready to leave." Odette lightly shook me.

"Okay." I nodded and got up. I put a hoodie on and went downstairs to find Tom and Harry with all of their stuff. Their rooms were completely empty. Sad day.

"Hey honey." Harry came over and hugged me, kissing me on the head.

"Morning. Are y'all ready to go?" He nodded. They loaded up Toms rental car with their bags and then came to say goodbye. Harry came and hugged me for a long time. I could feel the tears building up but held them in.

"I'm gonna miss you." He said to me.

"I'll miss you more. But we'll text and call everyday, got it?"

"Got it." He pulled me in for a sweet and lingering kiss. It would be our last one in a while.

"Harry, we've gotta go."

"Okay. Bye love." He kissed me one more time and got in the car. Me and Odie waved bye and cried.

This isn't goodbye, it's simply a see you later.

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