Chapter 4

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Me and Harry were cuddling on the couch when his phone started ringing. He picked it up and showed me the name. Mum.

"It's your mom. You should probably answer it."

"Yeah, probably. But I may have forgotten to mention that I got married. And she's gonna be ticked when she finds out."

"Oh. I didn't think of that. What are you gonna say?"

"I'm not sure." He answers it and puts it on speaker. "Hi, mum."

"Hello, darling! How was your day?"

"Pretty eventful." He laughed.

"You'll have to tell me all about it later. Listen, I'm calling because Paddy has a presentation and he wants to practice on you. Is there a time tomorrow when he could?"

"Yeah sure. Just text me and I'll find the time."

"Oh wonderful. Thank you! Now I've got to go, but have a wonderful night and I'll call you tomorrow. Love you!"

"Love you too, mum. Night." He hung up. "Good think she didn't ask about what I'm doing."

"Yes, good thing haha. Because then you'd have to tell her that you're cuddling with your wife." I smiled.

"Actually I'm not."


"I'm kissing my wife." He cupped my face and pulled me closer. Then he licked his lips and kissed me. I laughed and kissed him back. He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me even closer. I put my hands in his hair and started playing with it. We started kissing more and more when his phone rang. I pulled away and laughed.

"Wow you are very wanted tonight."

"I wish they would leave me alone so that we could continue this activity." He winked. He grabbed his phone and showed me the name. Tom.

"Who's Tom?"

"My brother. He never calls me at night, weird."

"Are you gonna answer it?"

"Oh yeah." He answered it on speaker. "Hey Tom, what's up?"

"Harry! How ya been?"

"Just fine, thanks. You?"

"I'm just doing great! Except for the fact that I'm supposed to be staying at my brothers house and he isn't answering the door and the house looks deserted."

"Oh crap." Harry said. "I may have forgotten that you were staying for a couple days."

"Yeah, clearly!" Tom laughed through the phone. "When will you be home? I can find something to do."

"Umm, not for a week."

"What?? Bro where are you?"

"Long story, but I'm at my wife's house."


"We'll obviously I got married."

"Yeah, I got that! When? Why??"

"This afternoon, and because I wanted to. Plus it's kinda super fun." He smiled at me.

"How long have you known her?"

"A few hours."

"A FEW HOURS?!?! Dude! You married some rando without barely knowing her?? What were you thinking?"

"I just wanted to do something crazy for once, okay? And she's not a rando. She's super sweet and hilarious. Plus insanely hot." He winked.

"I just don't even know what to think right now. Are you with her?"


"Is she listening?"

"Yep." Tom cursed.

"Hey, Harry's wife."


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