Cheistmas Special!

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This is a Harry Holland one-shot, it has nothing to do with the story. Just a little gift for ya:)

"Bro, I'll be there in 10 minutes. Let me just pick up the ice cream that mom asked me for. Don't wait for me to start dinner." I said to my brother on the phone.

"Okay I'll tell her. See you in a bit." And he hung up.

"Impatient idiot." I mumbled under my breath. I have 3 older siblings, and they love teasing and bothering me. But I wouldn't trade them for the world. I love them like crazy. I walked into the gas station and went looking for vanilla and chocolate ice cream. I found some, hallelujah, and went to the front to check out. I also grabbed myself a chocolate milk and some Reese's. I got to the counter and the girl looked at me with a big smile.

"Ooh ice cream!! The best snack in the cold." She giggled.

"Agreed." I smiled back. I was paying when someone suddenly walked into the store. He was covered in snow, and looked freezing. Also surprisingly handsome. Very handsome.

"Excuse me, but could you give me a jump?" He asked the cashier in a hot British accent.

"I'm so sorry, but I'm not supposed to leave my desk, and I don't have a car here." He sighed in defeat.

"I can give you a jump." I said. Wait why did I say that? He's a strange man and it's dark and snowy outside. I'm an idiot.

"That would be wonderful, thank you so much." I smiled and grabbed my stuff. Then I pulled my car right next to his. I grabbed my jumper cables and we got the stuff in place. While we waited for it to charge up for a second, I decided to make small talk.

"So where are you headed?"

"Oh just to some restaurant nearby. I'm hungry and my hotel doesn't have any food options. I should've known that, considering it's Christmas Eve."

"You aren't celebrating with family?"

"No, I'm here for work. I wish I could be with my family, but they're back in England. So that's not happening."

"Oh I'm sorry. That's a bummer."

"Yeah, but I'll be fine. Get me some food and I'll be just great." I smiled.

"Okay it should be good to go. Try jumping it again?" He nodded and went into his car. I hurried and pulled my phone out to call my brother.

"Yo." He said when he answered.

"How mas would you be if I brought a handsome stranger home for dinner?"

"Not mad at all, but be careful. Last time you did this, he tried to kiss aunt Andrea. And we know how that went." She punched him and then took him to the ER. Safe to say that I've been banned from setting her up. How was I supposed to know he was drunk, though?

"Okay cool. Nah this one's chill. And he's hot. We'll be there soon."

"Aight." I hung up. Suddenly the car started.

"Yes!" The stranger yelled. "Thank you so much for your help. How can I ever repay you?"

"Come to my house for dinner?" I asked.

"What?" He looked confused.

"My family is having Christmas Eve dinner and I want you to come. We have plenty of food. No one should be alone during the holidays."

"Umm okay?" He said.

"Great. Just follow my car. Oh I'm Y/N, by the way."

"Harry." He shook my hand. "Nice to meet you."

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