Chapter 8

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"Haha, Y/N you're so funny. You owe me a new shirt." Tom said grabbing a paper towel to wipe off the paint on his shirt.

"Dude, calm down. You can have my shirt. Though it does have paint on it thanks to my wife haha." Harry said. He yanked his shirt off and I was suddenly speechless. He saw me staring. "You like what you see, wifey?" I gulped.

"Uh huh." I nodded. "Can I touch your abs?" I suddenly said. "Wait, who said that? Definitely not me. I've totally touched someone's insanely ripped abs before. Don't worry about it. Okay I'm gonna stop talking." I covered my face with my hands. Harry laughed.

"Girl you're too cute. It's okay. You can fangirl over my abs." He smirked at me. "Go ahead. Touch them. It's all for you." He smiled and winked.

"You know, I think I'm okay. But thanks for the offer."

"No, you're definitely getting a piece of this action." He walked over to me and grabbed my hand. He put it on his abs and ran it up and down. I started blushing insanely hard.

"Wow." Was all I could say. "How is this even possible?" Tom suddenly pretended to gag at the door.

"Ugh you guys are so gross. Just jump his bones already, Y/N. I'm going to grab a snack." And he left.

"Your brother is so weird." I laughed.

"Yeah, but he's not wrong. You could jump my bones if you wanted." He came closer and wrapped his hands around my waist.

"I'm gonna not do that while your brother is in the house. Or at all. Sorry, dude." I wrapped my arms around his neck. "But I can kiss you until the paint dries." And I pressed my lips to his. He tightened his arms around my waist and kissed me hard. I ran my hands through his hair and he moaned a little bit. I smiled and he pulled away to look at me for a second. Then he kissed me again. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and I did the same. He took his hand and put it on my cheek, stroking it ever so gently. I sighed. Then he moved his mouth to my jaw line and started kissing towards my neck. I angled my head away so that he could have better access. He started kissing my neck and oh my goodness it felt so good. He found a spot right below my ear and I stumbled a little bit. Wow. I definitely would've fallen down but he held me even tighter. He kept kissing that spot when I finally had enough. I grabbed his face and kissed his lips again. This time with more passion than before. I slid my hands up and down his back and loved the feeling of his bare skin under my hands. I bit his bottom lip and he suddenly pulled away breathing hard but keeping me close.

"Y/N," He started.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

"No, you were great. Like amazing. But if we keep kissing like this, I think my hormones are gonna take over at some point and I won't be able to stop."

"Oh." I said. "I didn't think of that."

"Haha, it's okay. But we probably should cool down for a bit. I think I'm gonna go take a shower to get the paint out of my hair." He winked.

"Okay. Sorry if I got a little carried away. I just really like kissing you. Apparently more than I thought."

"I get it. I really like kissing you, too." He kissed me gently. "I'll be upstairs. Maybe go get some food and wait for the paint to dry in a different way?"

"Will do." I smiled. He left to go upstairs. I grabbed the paint stuff and got things situated. Suddenly the doorbell rang.  I ran upstairs and didn't see Tom anywhere. I opened the door and saw a delivery man with a package.

"Harry Holland?"

"That's my husband."

"Great. I'll have you sign for him here." I signed the paper. "Alrighty. Here you go! Enjoy the rest of your day, Mrs. Holland." He handed me the package. It was probably the size of a computer box. I had no idea what it was. I set it on the kitchen counter and started making myself some lunch.

"Hey, Y/N. Can we talk?" Tom came downstairs and sat at the counter.

"Yeah. What's up?"

"Well yesterday was kind of awkward when Makell was here. I just wanted to explain a little bit."

"Okay, go ahead."

"She caught me kissing a co-star in my trailer on a movie I was working on a couple years ago."

"TOM!?!?" I yelled. "What the heck?"

"Wait! Just listen. We were just practicing for the scene we had coming up because I had never kissed someone other than Makell or ever on screen. She saw us kissing and got really mad. But she never gave me a chance to explain how after that I kicked my co-star out of my trailer and took the day off. I went and cried in a movie theater. How pathetic is that?" He looked at me.

"Oh. She never told me any of that. Just that she never wanted to see you again."

"Yeah, that sounds like her. But I want her back." My eyes widened. "I loved her back then, and I think I still do. Will you help me win her back?"


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