Chapter 19

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It's been a month since the boys left. We call and text everyday, but it's been hard. They made my day brighter, and it's lonely without them. Odie still lives with me which is awesome. She's a huge help. Though she does cry a lot. 

"Yo we're coming inside!" I heard Eme yell from the front door.

"Okay!" I yelled back. I put some socks on and ran downstairs.

"Hey girl!" Ellie said giving me a hug. Ever since the boys left, we've resumed weekly Thursday night movie nights. It's always me, Ellie, Eme, Brianna, Kai, and now Odette. They brought snacks, drinks, and I provided the movie.

"What are we watching tonight?" Kai asked as they set the sodas on the counter.

"I was thinking we could watch Legally Blonde?" I offered. They squealed. "I'll take that as a yes." I put the movie in and we all got comfy on the couches. Then the doorbell rang. I sat up to get it, only to find Noah and a couple other dudes at my door.

"What up Mrs. Holland!" He yelled bringing me into a hug.

"Hey Noah. What brings you here?" I asked.

"Harry told us ya'll were having a movie night here, and we decided to surprise you. Besides, I gotta see my girlfriend. She keeps sending me random emojis when all I wanna do is cuddle with her." I laughed. 

"Okay come on in." I opened the door wider and they walked in.

"Oh you know Beau, but this is Austin." A cute tall brown haired boy was accompanied by a cute tall blonde haired boy.

"Nice to meet you, Austin. And nice to see you again, Beau." I smiled. They smiled back. I walked into the living room and sat back down at my spot. The boys walked in and grabbed a snack. Noah walked straight over to Ellie, picked her up, sat down, and set her on his lap. Those two are disgustingly cute. They've been together ever since me and Harry got together, so about a month. Beau went and sat by Eme, who he clearly had a crush on. And she definitely liked him, but they were both too shy to say it. Maybe I'll have to say something. And then Austin pulled a chair right next to me and Brianna. We started the movie again and watched it for a while, until I felt someone poke me. I looked to my left and saw Austin looking at me.

"Are you single?" He asked me.


"You have a boyfriend?"

"No, I have a husband." I said, waving my ring in his face.

"Oh." He turned back to the movie and I did the same. Once it was over, I looked around to see who was awake. I saw Ellie, Noah, Kai, Austin, Odie, Beau, and Eme all asleep. Ellie and Noah were cuddling, Kai was snuggling a blanket, Austin was on the floor, and Beau and Eme were holding hands while resting their heads on each other. I looked at Brianna and we laughed. Eventually we woke up Odie, Austin, Kai, Ellie, and Noah.

"Guys look at them cuddling!" I pointed to Eme and Beau. They all laughed and we took pictures. Then we woke them up and sent the boys home. 

"Bye, El. I'll see you tomorrow for our weekly walk." Noah said. He gave her a sweet kiss and walked out the door. I saw Beau whisper something to Eme that had her blushing like crazy and he went outside. Austin was already in the car, so we shut the door and all got ready for bed. I slept in my room, Odie slept in hers, Eme slept in Harrys old room, Kai slept in a guest room in the basement, and so did Brianna. I planned my house perfectly so that there was room for all my best friends. I went into my room and got my pajamas on. I laid in bed and waited for a call from a certain someone. After a few minutes, my phone finally started ringing. I answered it quickly.

"Hi love."

"Well hello, my darling. How are you doing?"

"Pretty good. I had a good day, but I miss you a lot."

"Same over here." He said lightly laughing.

"How is Tom doing?"

"He's good. Talking to Odette right now, I presume." 

"Yeah probably. She was very excited to talk to him tonight. Even though we all talk every night."

"Hey we miss each other, it's good to be excited!" He groaned at me.

"Yeah yeah, I know!" I laughed. 

"Guess what!" He asked.


"I got to see my parents today."

"Really?? Oh Harry that's wonderful!!"

"It was really good to see them. My mom is still mad that I got married without her there, but I told her that when we get married again, she will definitely be there."

"When we get married again?" I asked.

"Well yeah. I want to stay married to you forever, Y/N. I'm not telling you this for the first time over the phone, but I definitely more than like you." I could hear him smiling.

"I more than like you too. So much." I giggled. 

"Good. Now tell me all about what you did today." I told him about grocery shopping, work, the girls coming over, the boys coming over, the yummy dinner I had, and how I got my car tires changed.

"Well it sounds like you had a wonderful day. How are Ellie and Noah doing?"

"Really good. They act so in love with each other. I wish we could do that. Literally everything makes me miss you." 

"I know. And we'll be together soon, okay? I promise."


"I have a surprise for you, love."

"What is it?"

"One sec. Let me queue it." Suddenly Odette popped open my door and handed me an envelope. Then I saw Harry video calling me. I grabbed the envelope and accepted the video call. His curly hair was messy and he looked tired, but he looked handsome as ever. 

"Is this envelope your surprise?"

"Yep. Go ahead and open it." I opened it and inside there was a food voucher for some restaurant that I'd never heard of.

"What restaurant is this?" I asked.

"It's the restaurant that my friend just opened. Really good food." I looked at the voucher and noticed it was in London.

"Oh but it's in London. How am I gonna use it?" 

"Look in the envelope again." He said. I looked in it and saw a little paper.

Check your email. It said. I opened my laptop and checked my email. I saw an email from Delta.

Mrs. Holland, here is your plane ticket to London from the 10th of May to the 10th of June. A PLANE TICKET? HE GOT ME FREAKING PLANE TICKET??? THAT'S IN 4 DAYS.

"You got me a plane ticket?? To come visit you?" He smiled really big.

"Yep. I can't wait to see you. And then when you go back, me and Tom will also be coming back. Oh and Odette also got a ticket."

"Oh my gosh. I'm so excited, Harry. This is the best gift ever." I started crying.

"Don't cry love!! In a few days you'll be back in my arms. And I can't wait."

"Me either. I can't wait to see you."

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