Chapter 6

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"Y/N! Umm I need your help!" Harry yelled from downstairs.

"Be quiet!"

"Please!! Apparently I don't know how to use a stove?"

"What?" I yelled. "Be down in a minute!" I got my clothes on and ran downstairs. The kitchen was filled with smoke and Harry had all the windows and doors open. He looked at me.

"Oh hallelujah! I was trying to make breakfast for you but it didn't go well."

"Goodness. You're lucky I've almost burned down my kitchen a few times." I grabbed a towel and threw it at him. "Start fanning into the backyard." I turned the stove off and grabbed a fan. Eventually the smoke left and calmed down.

"Thanks." He put the towel down and grabbed a drink of water.

"What were you trying to make?"

"Pancakes. My favorite breakfast." He smiled.

"Stop. That's literally adorable." I grabbed his hands. "I'll make waffles so we don't have to use the stove." He pulled me close and gave me a hug.

"Good morning, love." He said into my hair.

"Morning." He pulled my head away and kissed me gently.

"This is my new favorite thing." He pulled away and chuckled.

"Mine too. Where's Tom?"

"He went on a run to give us some alone time."

"Smart man." I laughed. We stopped hugging and I got all the stuff out to make waffles. Harry put some fun music on and we had a dance party while I cooked(safely). Around 15 minutes later Makell decided to walk through the door.

"Makell is entering!! If you aren't decent, please let me know and put clothes on!" I laughed.

"We're decent! Come on into the kitchen." She walked in and set her keys in the counter.

"Morning y'all! How's marriage?"

"Oh just wonderful." Harry looked at me.

"It's aight." I said as he smacked my shoulder. She smiled at us.

"That's a lot of pancakes. Were you expecting me?" Makell asked.

"No actually, we have Harry's bro-"

"Hello! I'm back!" Tom opened the door and walked into the kitchen.


"Makell. I wasn't expecting you to be here."

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here doing press and I'm staying with Harry and Y/N. Why are you here?"

"Because Y/N is my best friend. I got her in the breakup, you can't be here." They started arguing.

"GUYS!" Harry yelled.

"Be quiet! This is a calm household." I said.

"If he's here, I'm not." Makell grabbed her keys, a waffle, and her shoes as she walked out the door.

"Tom, what was that about?"

"Don't ask." He went upstairs.

"Is this what it's like to have children?"

"Must be."

"They must've ended really badly. Makell never really told me what went wrong, just that it did and she didn't want to talk about it."

"Yeah Tom just said that they disagreed on stuff and decided to go separate ways."

"Weird." I said.

"Yeah. Anyways, wanna make out?"

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