Chapter 16

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I immediately turned around to avoid having to watch Odette and Tom kiss. Harry held me close while he closed his eyes.

"Oh umm hey guys. I didn't think you'd be back so soon." Tom said awkwardly.

"Is it safe to turn back around?"

"Yes." Odette said. I turned around and glared at them.

"Odie, my room. NOW." I kicked my shoes off and we made our way to my room. I threw my stuff onto the bed and turned to look at her as she sat on my chair. "What are you thinking?? Tom just got out of a relationship and I know that you're not all about them. Is he just a simple make out to you? He's my brother-in-law, and though I love you, I don't want him to get hurt."

"Y/N, I don't know!! I was just sitting on the couch when he came downstairs. I said hi and went back to scrolling on my phone. He came and sat by me and kept scooting closer. Eventually he grabbed my chin and slowly kissed me. I quickly pulled away, but he just said 'Odette, I need this right now. Please just kiss me.' So I obliged and then we made out for a bit until you guys came home. I don't know what he was expecting from it, but he's hot so...."

"He just kissed you randomly??"

"Yeah. He's a very good kisser, might I say." I fake threw up.

"Gross." She laughed.

"Look, I wouldn't mind being in a relationship. Drew was my last relationship, and it's been like 6 years since then. I want a man now." I rolled my eyes when she said Drew. Does that sound familiar? What a coincidence! He two-timed us at the same time and then dumped us also at the same time. Safe to say that we hate him.

"Just please take it slow? I don't want you to get hurt."

"Scouts honor." She saluted. I playfully hit her arm.

"Shut up."

"Anyway, how was your date? Are you even more in love with Harry??" She asked.

"Obviously. I think he's my soulmate, Odie." I smiled.

"Love is disgusting."

"Girl, be quiet." She laughed.

"You guys also take it slow, okay? I don't want you to get hurt again. Remember last time? With Andrew?" I nodded. Andrew was my most previous ex-boyfriend, and I found out that he was secretly engaged to another girl, so we broke it off.

"Don't worry. Yeah we're married, but I'm in no rush to actually like, get married." She smiled.


"Promise." We pinky squared on it.

"Wanna go shopping for shoes?"


"Okay. Let me shower and then we can go!" She gave me a thumbs up. Once I was done, I brushed my hair and did my skin care routine. I heard my bedroom door open. "Odie I'm almost ready, be patient!" I yelled. The bathroom door opened and a smiling Harry walked in. I jumped. "Babe, don't scare me like that!" He laughed. Then walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped mine around his neck and gave him a hug.

"You smell really good." He mumbled.

"Haha thanks, hun." He smiled and kissed me. I just love kissing this man. It literally can't get better than this. He pulled me closer and I pulled him closer by his shirt. He suddenly grabbed my thighs and put me on the counter. He stood in between my legs and kissed me deeply. I ran my hands through his hair and we kissed for a while. Probably at least 10 minutes. Until Odette decided to come into the bathroom.

"Y/N, let's goooo!" She yelled and then screamed. She immediately turned around and walked out into the hallway. "I HATE THEM!" She screamed to Tom in the living room.

"PAYBACK FOR EARLIER TODAY!" I yelled back. Harry laughed and lifted me down from the counter. He kissed my forehead and walked out of the bathroom. I got my shoes on and went downstairs. Odette was glaring at me while sitting by Tom on the couch.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because I can." I winked. "Okay let's go dude." She grabbed her stuff and walked to the door. "Bye boys!" We yelled at the same time. They both came running. Harry gave me a sweet kiss.

"See you soon, love." He whispered. Tom was blushing as he gave Odette a kiss on her cheek.

"Be back soon." I heard him whisper. SO CUTE OH MY HECK!!! We got in the car and drove to the strip mall nearby. We each found a cute pair of sandals and I found an even cuter necklace that somewhat matched my wedding ring. I had found a cute ring that my mom gave me when I was younger and decided to wear it as my wedding ring. Until Harry gives me the real thing, of course. We decided to get some boba and then head home.

Once we got home, me and Odette went into the living room to see Harry and Tom looking sullen.

"Harry? What's wrong?" He looked over at me.

"Me and Tom have to go back to England. In 2 days."

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