I thought we were best friends

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You and justin were best friends and did everything with eachother and told eachother eveeything.

Y/N P.O.V:

I laughed as justin told me about how he dressed up as a security gaurd on ellen. When i finally calmed down from my laughing fit i saw justin staring at me i waved my hand infront of his face to get his attention. Earth to bieber!!! He just fell of the couch because i guess i scared him.

I laughed so hard my stomach started to hurt and tears were rolling down my cheeks. "omg justin ... You .. Hahaha... Just oh my god ... Hahaha ... That was so funny"
Justin chuckled and then spoke up "ha ha yea yea i get it its funny now can u stop laughing?" i bit my lip and nodded still trying to contain my laughter.

So then i asked him "so bieber whats on your mind?" "nothing" he replied. I gave him the are you fucking kidding me i can read you like a book look and he sighed and looked at the ground suddenly finding it interesting. I put my hand on his arm runing it up and down soothingly i know that maked him relax.

He looked up at me and said:" its just stupid forget about it" but i was stubborn and he knew i was not giving up without a fight i spoke up:"justin no im sure its not stupid now whats on ur mind?" he sighed again and finally spoke:" well just i really miss bieng on tour i feel like i really need to get out there again and perform and my beliebers have been patient and i don't know how much longer they are willing to wait"
"Justin" i said making him look at me.


"Justin" she said making me look up at her she said don't worry about that and just focus on this album and im sure they will love it because lets face it all ur work is amazing so dont put yourself down.

I smiled and hugged her tight and mumbeled a thankyou into her hair sending chills down her back of if she only knew the effect she had on me we pulled away and i pecked her forehead and said goodbye.

You see our friendship is like pretty much hidden because i wanted to protect her from all the negativity in my life so we dont reallu get to see eachother.

2 weeks later


Justin hasent called or texted me since we last saw eachother and i was really worried the 1st week and now i just cry myself to sleep. You might think its pittiful, but what u dont know is i have a huge crush on him and i know he doesnt feel the same. on top of that he obviously doesnt want to be my froend anymore either because ive called and he never picked up and i left a bunch of texts but he never replied. I was so angry now more than anything like after all that weve been through. I thought we were friends ...

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at my door i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and went to answer it. When i opened the door i regretted not looking through the peep hole before i opened the damn door. Justin was standing there with a smile and open arms.

Huh if this nigga thinks im gonna come running back into his arms oh hell no! I started crying and tried to shut the door but he put his foot and came in i runned up to my room and cried my eyes out untill justin came in with a worried look on his face and sat by me and asked "babygirl whats wrong" i stopped crying wiped my tears and now i was pissed!

"THE FUCK" "Really justin you of all people should know whats wrong" "u dont talk to me or answer me for 2 fucking weeks !! I was so worried about you but u never cared ! And to think i had a crush on you" as soon as that last part slipped out my mouth my eyes widened and i covered my mouth.

Justin looked at me with sorry eyes and i didnt move he finally spoke up and said "look im really terrebly sorry i never talked to you i was just really depressed and i didnt know what to do i was so lost and i know thats no excuse but im sorry" "oh and baby girl i love you too" with that he connected our lips and let me tell you this made all my anger slip away. As we pulled away i smiled at him and said "justin next time just talk to me maybee i could help you know you can tell me anything " "okay baby i promise" and with that i pecked his lips again.

Wow finally i updated damn this took so long but i hope u liked it so vote and tell what u think okay loves

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