2nd year anniversary

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So me and Justin have been married for about 1 year and it has been amazing so far and tomorrow was our one year anniversary and I’m wondering what he has up his sleeve knowing Justin he ALWAYS has something up his sleeve, one of the countless things I adore about him.

So Justin and I were having a lazy day since he’s off for a week we were just watching movies and eating ice cream and sour patch kids and just a bunch of junk food. The movie ended and I was still bored so I got up from Justin’s lap and said to him:”Justin let’s go for a walk or do something I’m so bored” so he said:”Okay sure princess go get dressed I’m taking you out” and he pecked me on the lips so I went up to our bedroom and picked out a purple maxi dress and a black jacket on top with some black heels I quickly jumped in the shower and washed up then stepped out and got dressed and grabbed my MK bag put some perfume on grabbed my phone and made my way down the stairs.

He was waiting for me on the couch so as soon as he heard me coming down the stairs he came and stood at the ends of the stairs he extended his hand which I gladly took. He lead us into his Range Rover and we drove off I kept trying to ask where we were going but he never answered he just kept saying it’s a surprise (man this boy! But I adore him.) So I decided to turn on the Radio to kill the boredom, so after like 2 hours of driving and singing to random songs that came on and laughing our heads off we finally arrived. I recognized the place it was the park where we had our first kiss Justin had set up a small picnic under a big tree with candles all around and it was just magical.

 Tears started to well up in my eyes it was so sweet  and thoughtful I never did like all that fancy over the top stuff I mean sure I love to get dresses and makeup and all that girly stuff but I don’t want him to spoil me THAT much. Justin looked at me concern written all over his face I just smiled and hugged him really tight and said: “thank you Justin, this is amazing I love you so much” Justin just smiled and said:”Baby girl I love you more and you’re very welcome you know I’d do anything to see that beautiful smile of yours.“ I just blushed and looked down Justin lifted my head and said: “don’t hide that beautiful face from me babe you know I love it when you blush” I just blushed harder and Justin chuckled and gave me a long passionate kiss then we sat down and ate and had an awesome time after that we went home and I got changed into one of Justin’s shirts and black booty shorts. So I made my way over to where Justin was laying on the bed waiting for me he looked at me from top to bottom and bit his lip and said:”Babe you look great in my clothes I just smiled and cuddled into his chest as he sang to me while playing with my hair until I fell asleep.

Hello lovely readers sorry it took me a while to update but I had writer’s Block and stuff ( lolz) and also I want to thank everyone who voted commented and read because u guys are amazing and OMG did u hear Foreign  like OMB it’s AMAZING and I’m so pissed with the paparazzi like seriously back the fuck off they crashed into justin’s car and thank god he is ok but still ugh  anyways Enjoy Stay Fab and Swaggy

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