Jealousy *Dirty*

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So i was at my photo shoot today modeling some sexy lingerie for my fashion line. Justin was not too happy about the idea of me in sexy lingerie with some male feeling all over me, but hey if he can do it with a girl for his shoots so can I. After a long debate about me modelling and shit about getting someone else to do it and bla bla bla, I kinda convinced Justin to come with me because after that we were going out to celebrate at this new club. After a bunch of poses and justin grunting and complaining like a little kid, I was finally done. Justin drove home and before he starts running his mouth I went upstairs took everything off and slipped into my dress so we could go out justin just waited downstairs for me to finish. I came downstairs wearing a sexy dress that i knew that he would like. I'm gonna tease him all night, make him jealous so hat we can have a good time tonight ;)

I came down the stairs and justin eyed me from head to toe licked his lips before snapping back to reality. "NO no no no no go change right now uh uh you are not leaving this house looking like that nope no way" he said while shaking his head like a mad man. "Justin stop!" i yelled "stop telling me what I can and can't do i'm going out like this whether you approve or not!" i said in a more calmed tone "ugh let's just leave" I smirked in victory as i walked out of the house i made sure to sway my hips just to get him hard.

at the club we met up with a bunch of friends and immediately I got some shots and began swaying to the beat and watching justin clench his jaw really tight. I knew he was watching so i put on a show popping my ass to the beat while everyone's eyes were on me. just then i feel someone lift me up and throw me over their shoulders and slapping my ass hard i knew it was justin so i just smirked to my self. as soon as we got home he threw me on the couch and hovered over me. "You have been teasing me with you're sexy self all day long. You think it's okay to get me rock hard all day and enjoying it well baby bow imma show you what happens when you disobey me." To be honest this part of justin was sorta scary but it turned me on so much. Justin started by nibbling licking and sucking in my neck moving to behind my ear sending shivers down my spine. He growls in my ear which only contributed to the Niagara Falls that was happening down there.

Then he slipped my dress off of me while quickly stripping to only his boxers . Me in my bra and panties which were ripped off of me quick. He pushed 3 fingers into my wetness and groaned as i gasped and moaned so loud. "Damn baby Maleesha you are so wet for daddy" he kept pumping his fingers and curling them inside me making my walls clench around his fingers. "OHH MY GOOD jjjustiiiiin fuuuuck babby mmmmffff im so close baby" then without a warning he slams in to me deep. "AAAHHH FFFFUUUUCCKK BABBBY MMMMHHHH YEA JUSTTIIIIIIN" ":fuck babby your so tight ugh MALEESHA oh shit see what happend when when you dissobey me!" "OH my god oh shit jjustin im gonna cumm mmmffffff " "Common babby cum for daddy cum for daddy Maleesha im so close" a few more ruthless thrusts and we both released. i was shaking still. "that was amazing baby" i said facing a now sweaty justin. He had this look on his face that meant that he was up to no good, "Oh maleesha i'm not done with you yet baby".

Here you go Maleesha i really hope you liked it and im soo soo sorry for the delay.

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