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It was a cold gloomy day a hurricane had just hit the city I live in and houses were damaged, some even all the way gone, people lost loved ones, some losing everything they ever had … It was a disaster thank God nothing happened to my house because it was built to resist disasters like these but looking at everyone I knew in the neighborhood some missing some who have no place to go after all they had was destroyed it was very sad and overwhelming.

I’m the kind of person that loves to help people I would go out of my way just to help especially if it was someone dear to my heart. Oh btw my name is xxcelni but I prefer to be called candy I am 19 and  5’2 and I have green eyes but they kinda change color depending on what color I am wearing. I have long curly hair that is the color of cotton candy :3 I have blue and red braces  I also have on a black and red hoodie with matching red and black sweat pants and the same colored jordans and a beeni that says “Thug” I also have a bar earring. I threw on a sparkly red scarf cuz it was cold outside. I did my light makeup just some thin eyeliner and some pink lip-gloss.

I took one more look in the mirror and satisfied with my look I took my phone and car keys shoved them in my pocket and left my house. As soon as I stepped out the cold chilly air hit my face making me shiver a bit. I jogged around the neighborhood looking at all the damaged houses I saw my neighbor outside her damaged house crying so I went up to her and I said :”Hey Mrs. Lucky what happened why are you crying?” she looked at me with so much pain in her eyes and said: “I lost Everything! It’s all gone everything! I have no food nowhere to go my house is flooded it’s a disaster plus my only daughter is missing!” I looked at her with sympathy I had no idea what to tell her but I told her I was gonna try and help as much as I can she just smiled through her tears and said:”thank you so much” I just smiled at her and told her that I was gonna go to the other neighbors she nodded and smiled saying Good luck I waved to her and left.

I went around the neighborhood in tears already so I just sat on a bench and let the tears freely run down my cheeks then I feel someone sitting next to me I didn’t bother lifting my head up to see who it was but then I hear someone saying:”Princess why r u crying?” I stopped crying trying to think where I know that voice from when it finally it clicked, (could it be? No! But ugh just look up you idiot!)

 I finally looked up and locked my eyes with those hazel ones that you can easily get lost in and I finally choked out:”j-jj-ustinn?” he just nodded and said:”yea but why were you crying?” wiping my tears in the process I just looked down and said:”All of this is just so overwhelming like all these people here that are suffering and I wanna help but I don’t know what to do”.

He listened carefully to everything I said then he said:”Well how about we go and buy some blankets and food and stuff like that to give out to people for now and then we will see what we can do after that”. “That’s a great idea” I said to him he just smiled and said I never caught ur name princess I blushed and looked down and I said:”People call me candy” he said:”that’s really cute” I just blushed even more. He said:”well candy I don’t know around here so mind coming with me and showing m where we can get some stuff?” I nodded my head and said sure. I got my keys to my white Land Rover and told justin that he could follow me in his Range Rover and he said: “okay”.

Justin’s P.O.V:

I was in my car following candy to go to the store to get some stuff to help out with but all I could think about is her. She is soo beautiful and the way she wanted so bad to help. She is just perfect I know I just met her but I just have this weird feeling that she is the one for me. I was snapped out of my day dreaming when she stopped at a store for pillows and matrices we got out of our cars and went buying allot of matrices she went to give the guy her credit card but I didn’t let her pay I handed the guy my credit card and we helped the workers lad the matrices into our cars.

 After that we stopped at a grocery store to go pick up some food to give people. Candy was going through the Isles getting a bunch of stuff into the cart and when we were finally done she said:”You better let me pay this time” I just put my hands up in surrender but when she went to pay I tapped on her shoulder and she looked back and I quickly handed the cashier my card and paid smirking. When she saw that I paid she just gave me a glare and I just chuckled at her cuteness and I kissed her on the cheek then she blushed I thought it was so cute.

We got back to her neighborhood and she led me to her house where she told me we would be cooking the stuff we bought  and putting them into containers to hand out hot meals to people. I thought it was a great idea so she got started on cooking while I got the containers ready and as she finished cooking I put the food into them and closed them I also make packages of a spoon a fork and a knife and a napkin and salt.

After we finished we loaded them into the car and drove around giving everyone pillows, matrices, blankets, and some food. After that was done she looked at me and smiled and said:”I have an idea” I said:”well what is it?” smiling too now, she said how about you do a concert just a little acoustic one to lift their spirits?” I just smiled even bigger and said:”great idea!”

So we got everything ready and I had the perfect plan when the show started I sang All That Matters, She Don’t Like The Lights, Believe, Turn To You, and last but not least One Less Lonely Girl but I brought Candy up on stage with me and sang to her and at the end I told her: “Candy today has been simply amazing you have such a big heart and you are funny and sweet and amazing not to mention your beauty … and I really like you so what I’m asking is will you please be my girlfriend?” she looked at me with tears in her eyes and said yes! I picked her up and spun her around then put her down and we kissed everyone was smiling and clapping and cheering for us.

Hello OMFDB 10k reads OMFB u guys are amazing I can’t thank you enough I really love you all and I’m serious message me anytime I love to interact with you all I really hope you loved this one personally I really do I try to make my imagined different from the rest and more real and relatable well don’t forget to comment what you think and request and vote and pls follow @PoweredBySwag    and     @DontBelieveMeWatchMe

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