Friends ..... Right?

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you and justin have been the best of friends since u guys were babies he was like your older brother he was always there for you and you were always there for him but it's been like a year now that you've liked him secreatly and every time he came to u for advice about girls or wheneve he dates you fake a smile but on the inside you were broken and devistated you wern't planning on telling him because you thought that he would never see you more than his best friend so just stay friends ... right? i mean you thought it was obviouslyy better for him this way.


Nayja's P.O.V:

i woke up to the sun shinig through my bedroom window i slowly flutter my eyes open reach for my phone and see i have a text it was from justin 

from: Justin <3 :  mornin' boo ;) xx (recieved 5 min agoo)

                       me: hello mornin' justin :D

           justin <3: hey wanna go catch some breackfeast at starbucks?

                      me: sure i'd love to pick me up in 20 min 

           justin <3: Ok see u then xx

with that you locked your phone took a shower and got ready you vere weraing a purple tanktop since it's justins fav. color and a pair of jean cut off shorts and white converse u put ur hair into a high ponytail and as soon as u finished u heard justin's horn you pop you head outside your window and see him standing there you smile and he smiles back you go down to the front dor shut it then lock it. 

Justin's P.O.V:

Damn Nayja looks so good and her lips look soo kissable ... wait justin pull yourself together she's your best friend and she only likes you as a friend ... Right? yea that sounds about right.

I looked up at her and gave her a big smile she returned it then she made her way towards me i opened my arms and she gladly came and gave me a bear hug i inhaled her scent mmmmmm she smells soo good so i open the passenger door for her to get in then i jogged over to my side. Starbucks was like only 10 min away so i put on the radio and warrior by Demi Lovatto came on and Nayja started singing along and at the end she had tears in her eyes.

I just looked at her and remembered how she was bullied at school growing up. we arrived at starbucks and i turned of the car we were in the car still and Nayja had her head looking out her window she doesnt like to cry in front of me but honestly she looks perfect even when shes crying .

Ok Justin just tell her already . I spoke up i said Nayja? she said yea? while looking at me. babby girl don't cry you know i'll always be here for you.she smiled and kissed my cheeck and said: thnks justin i knw i smiled back at her .

Nayja's P.O.V:

awwwwwww hes so cuute . then we just stared at eachother for a moment then my stomach growled . I blushed and justin just laughed so i laughed too then he said : looks like someone is hungry.

I blushed again and he just said ba- i mean Nayja don't hide ur blush from me it's cute. i just blushed harder. Then justin said lets get some breackfeast i just nodded.

Justin got out of the car and opened my door and said :after you. i just giggled

we walked hand in hand through the doors we ordered and sat down the whole time we talked about random stuff and had a great time but i kept thinking was justin about to call me babe ?

No ovc not Nayja ur just making stuff up now. so after we ate justin pulled my by the hand into the car i just giggled i said : juju why u soo excited he just chuckled and said you'll see ...

Ugh Jaaaaay are we there yet? he just smiled and said yup we were at the woods but not any woods it was the exact woods that we had a tree house in justin looked at me and said remeber our tree house i said ovc! jay how could i forget?

he just smiled at  me oh how i love that smile we just sat down in the tree house he grabbed his guitar and told me he wrote a song for me i said awww jay he started singing FALL 

Well let me tell you a story

about a girl and a boy

he fell in love with his best friend

when she's around he feels nothing but joy


by the time the song was over i had tears in my eyes i said : you wrote that for me?

he said yes and said Nayja we've been friends forever and ive had feeling for you for a while now and i can't keep it in anymore so Nayja will u be mine? 

i started to cry even harder and managed to choke out YES !!! A MILLION TIMES YES!!!!

so then justin came inches away from my lips and said i've been waiting for this for like forever and he closed the gap between us and just then there were fire works and butterflies flyin everywhere the we pulled away after the most passionent kiss ever and we both wispered I love you 



hey! hope you liked it! sorry it took so long i was just bussy so yea hope you liked it love ya all stay fab and don't forget comment vote xx

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