The Nerd And The Popular (Justin)(Dirty)

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DIRTY so if you don’t like DIRTY ones don’t read

(Deja’s P.O.V):

I was soorta the popular girl inn school I had lots of friends I was always top fashion and everyone was melting over me. Why? No idea! But whatever no I’m not snobby and think I’m better than everyone else I’m actually nice and just being me and that’s why everyone likes me I guess.

I was walking through the hall with my 2 friends Elisa and Abby. We were just talking about random things. Elisa:” Yesterday my little brother Alex was being soooo annoying like he kept opening my room door and running away like ugh 😤 “I just giggled at her and as we were chatting by her locker Abby said: “Oh look it’s the school looser ugh he is so annoying!” I looked where she was looking and saw Austin the school nerd just minding his own business holding his books to his locker I turned to Abby and said: “Why are you saying that about him he never did anything to you so how is he annoying you?” she just scoffed and said: “Whatever”

Then a bunch of boys from the soccer team came up to him and started to tease him and stuff.

(Bully’s P.O.V)(Shawn)

Me and a bunch of my mates from the Soccer team were going through the hallway between classes winking at some hot girls here and there making them melt or squeal hahahah then we spotted the school nerd Justin so I thought we should have some fun and go and pick on him so we went over to him and knocked all his books from his hands and we started laughing and so did everyone els in the hallway.

Then Jake (another bully) picked him up from his shirt and slammed him onto the locker then let him slide to the floor and then we started to kick him and call him names like worthless idiot nerd … Then I saw Deja standing with her friends so I cornered her to her locker and put my hands on each side of her so she can’t escape and I just smirked at her she looked at me disgusted and said “Leave me alone you creep!” and then I leaned in to kiss her when she kicked me in the balls I just dropped to the floor in pain and the hole school was laughing at me and the boys came to check on me and she said:”Come an inch closer and you will regret it so the boys just helped me up and we left.

(Justin’s P.O.V)

I was just going to my locker when the guys from the soccer team started to pick on me. They kicked me and threw my books on the floor and started calling me names I just wanted to get out of this hell hole (school). After that they slammed me against my locker. I wasn’t hurt that bad more like embarrassed because Deja was just feet away and I have like this massive crush on her but I mean why would she like me? She probably thinks I’m a joke maaan this really sucks. I’ve been trying to impress her but man it’s like I am invisible.  Then suddenly I saw Shawn Leaning in to kiss her but she wanted nothing to do with him and my blood boiled I was ready to put my fist to his face but then I saw her kick him where the sun doesn’t shine and threatened anyone els who might come her way like dayuuum that was HOT!

Then when they left she come up to me and helped me pick up my stuff she smiled at me and I smiled back then she spoke up and said: “why do you let them treat you like that?” I just shrugged and then I said “Why are you helping me? Not to be rude but you are popular and you probably don’t care” she looked at me then let out a low sigh “just because I am popular doesn’t mean I have to be rude and mean people think that I’m like that but I’m not people judge and they don’t know me” I looked at her studying her perfect features she finished and let out a chuckle and said “sorry you probably think I’m weird I just shook my head no and said “I know exactly how you feel” We both sat there in Silence staring at each other until the bell rang then we went our separate ways to our classes. In class she was always on my mind I couldn’t focus (that’s a first).

(Elisa’s P.OV)(Deja’s Friend):

I have no idea what Deja sees in Justin He is just a nerd we should not be seen making contact with people like him I mean we are popular and he is like the most picked on kid in school. But she never listens when I tell her that ugh like whatever I am so done telling let her do whatever she wants I mean she is my best friend and I will support her no matter what even if she doesn’t listen to me…

Deja’s P.O.V:

All I could think of was Justin why? No idea my friends keep teasing me about me liking Justin and how he’s a nerd and I shouldn’t be caught talking to him but I don’t care I just really wanted to get to know him better it’s just something about him that makes me wanna get to know him better. My thoughts were interrupted by the school bell ringing indicating the end of the day (FINALLY!!) I was walking to my locker when I bumped into someone, Justin I said “Omg im sorry I didn’t see you there! Hahaha” he said:“No it is fine but ummm i-ii wanted ti ummm a-ask y-ou something “ I said :”Sure what is it?” he took a deep breath and said:”will you go out with me?” I just looked at him for 3 seconds and said:”Sure pick me up tonight at 7” he said:”okay but can I um have you’r number?” I said:”Sure” so we exchanged numbers and I went home thinking about our date.

So I got dressed in this (picture to the side) and as I was putting my shoes on the doorbell rang I opened the door to a REALLY HOT JUSTIN he was wearing a snap back no glasses and skinny jeans and a Red shirt and Red Supras I just stood there and stared to stare in amazement I said:”Jjjjusttin?” He said:”Um yea last time I checked and you look beautiful btw” I Blushed and said:”thanks you look Amazing yourself why don’t you dress like this at school?” he just shrugged and said:”This is how I know who likes me for me” Made sense to me I just nodded. 

After Our date which was amazing he walked me to my apartment that I own I said:”Justin I had so much fun tonight” He said:”Yea me too” Then we both leaned in and kissed that turned out to be a full blown makeout session and ended up going up to my bed room we got into the room and he unzipped my dress and I took off my heels at the door leaving me in my lace bra with matching panties the he looked at me with lust in his eyes and licked his lips and said:”so beautiful Deja” then he started kissing down my neck making me moan he took off his shirt revealing his six pack I ran my fingers down it and tugged on his pants making them drop to the floor he placed kisses all over my body and reached my breast and he unclipped my bra throwing it across the room and started messaging my breast sucking on one making me arch my back in pleasure then he switched to my other breast and trailed kisses all the way down to my panties making me so wet and weak he slipped my panties off and threw them behind him and I pulled his boxers off and OMG he is HUGE he suddenly put 2 fingers in me and started thrusting  into me and we both moaned wildly and I cummed all over his fingers he licker them clean and said:”mmmm babby u taste so sweet” then he slipped a condom on and entered me and started thrusting slowly I whimpered and grabbed the sheats and said:”f-ffa-ss-tter” he went faster by the second and started saying stuff like:”Fuck baby u r so tight!” I told him:”i-ii I’m gonna” “Let it out baby girl” we reached our climaxes together and layed down under the sheets when he asked if I would be his and I said yes we and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

💋 hello lovelies !!!

😞this one is for Deja I hope u like it😊

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