Take Me Away

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This is a rant i jist had to get out sorry...

Where do i start? I feel so broken physically and emotionally and mentally. I am just so tited of everything that is happening in my life. So let me start from the beginning. Many years ago my dad decided to marry another woman which means that he now has 2 wifes. Yup, awesome right? Nope not in the slightest way.
This wife of his has kids that were living with us for a while untill their dad decided to take them. I am not going to go into detail about them at the moment. Dad's wife started to inforce her rules on us which were not suitable for kids, like making us sit on the wall for 15 min till we cried our eyes out, if we were late for bed. My mom is the sweetest most generous and genuine person you could ever meet, and i am not just saying this because she is my mom. Everyone who ever met her loved her.

Me and mom

So mom being the nice person she is never said anything, but when I started getting older and started noticing what was going on I spoke up

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So mom being the nice person she is never said anything, but when I started getting older and started noticing what was going on I spoke up. I would take her aside and tell her to put her foot down and this is her house not dad's wife's.

Time skip to now-ish

My step mother'd daughter came for a supposed visit, but guess what she decided to stay ("yay me!") she is basically a 5 year old in a 23 year old body. We all have our childish moments but her?! She can never be serious and she ia always wining about something or the other. She loves the attention but tbh none of the people i know that met her liked her one bit..... It was our EID holiday 2 days ago and she decided she wanted to go with us to go see dad's side of the family and the whole time she was tberw she was saying how bored she was or how no one was talking to her and just complaining all around INFRONT OF THE FAMILY also,everyone was sitting at the table talking and she decided to answer the phone AT THE TABLE AND SHE STARTED TALKING LOUD FOR LIKE 10 MINUTES like wtf how rude. I am going to stop because I could write books but im sorry again if you don't care or i wasted my time but I really needed to vent remember i am always here and my inbox is always open 💜❤

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