I Can't Be Falling Pt. 2

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So when we finished our starbucks it was getting late so I said “Justin I had a great time but it’s getting late I think I should be heading home” he said:” ok gorgeous but at least let me drive with you home u know just to make sure u … ummm… u know got home safe” I just smiled and said “ok “ so we drove to my house and we both got out and justin had s big smirk on his face and said sweet crib “thanks” I replied then he went on to say:” u know what’s ironic?” “What?” I asked he said “I live down the street I was lost for words but I said “cool” so I said: “c ya”

But justin said: “wait!” I turned around facing him I said: “yeah?” he asked:”Can I get ur number I said: “Sure” so we handed each other our phones and put in our numbers then returned them. So I go inside and change and take a quick shower as I came out drying my hair I saw a text from justin.

From justin: “Gd night beautiful xx”

I smiled like an idiot at my phone and texted back

To justin: Night J

I finished drying my wet hair because I hate sleeping with wet hair and put my head down on the pillow but I couldn’t sleep I just thought about everything that happened today and then I remembered my ex and started to cry I mean why would he do that? I mean am I that horrible and why didn’t he just not date me if he didn’t love me? So many questions flooding thru my head but then I started to think how to get revenge? Hmmm OOOOOH I KNOW *evil smirk* you see I run the school blog so u uploaded the picture to the blog and put a caption that sais BEWARE CHEATER AND GUESS WHAT HE HAS HERPIES!!!! I smiled at my accomplishment and closed my laptop and went to sleep

*The Next Day*

I got up did my hair and decided on my outfit I was gonna wear my black pencil skirt and my pink tank top that sais “Shut Up!” With black toms. And it was off to school again as soon as I walk in everyone is whispering and what do u know here comes my ex walking down the hall I keep walking but he pushes me against the lockers.

 He says: “Rose u lil bitch how dare u say that about me?” I said “it’s only the truth” with a huge smirk then he got really mad I knew exactly how to piss him off so he gets his face closer to mine and I’m just disgusted by him and says: “Rose baby common let’s put this behind us and turn a new leaf?” I said “NO AND DON’T U EVER IN UR LIFE EVER CALL ME A BITCH OR YOU WILL REGRET IT !!!! HEAR ME?!” he goes: “ Hahahaha everyone look at rose being all mad and Damn is it HOT so watcha gonna do? Huh BITCH?!”

 OH HELL NO that was the last straw I kicked him straight in the balls and he dropped to the floor holding hid balls and crying  I said: “ That’s what im gonna do and remember that next time I cross your mind”. You see I’m a strong girl I can take care of myself so I walked down the hall way a lil bit to find justin smirking at me standing by my locker. I said: “what?” he just chuckled and said: “you really taught him a lesson I wouldn’t wanna be him” I said yea he as long as you don’t act like a dick were cool” and I walked away so then later on justin invited me to his house and I said yea sure but before we could leave justin forgot something in class and went to go get it.

I got in my car put mu sunglasses on took my ponytail out and put my roof down and blasted unwanted by Avril lavigne and I was crying I didn’t even notice hopped in next to me I stopped crying and justin wiped my tears away and I took off my sunglasses and justin pulled me into a hug and hummed swap it out to me then we pulled away and looked into each other’s eyes and suddenly we leaned in and our lips moved in perfect sync like they were meant to be on each other  and the whole zoo erupted in my stomach we pulled away and justin said: “Rose be mine?” I said: “Yes but do me a favor please?” he said: “Anything princess” “Don’t breach my heart “he said: “Never princess”. Then we went off to justin’s and cuddled all night.

Hey hey part two as u all requested and as last time I got my inspiration at 1:30 in the morning hahahahaha well stay fab and swaggy J and please start to request and do’t forget to vote and comment ot means allot to me to hear what you think J

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