Learning How to Dance

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Savanna's pov:

I woke up with sun shining through my window so i got up and did my morning routine and got dressed for the day  i was listning to justin's songs and just thought about how much i missed him no were not a couple were just friends but ive had a crush on him for like a year now but im pretty sure he would never like a girl like me so i never said anything

after 2 rings he picks up

j: Hey Savanna!

S: Hey justy i miss you ! :(

j: Baby girl i miss you too

S: So how is the tour?

J: Awesome but i wish you were here 

S: Awww i wish i was too 

J: Ugh Scooter is callin but ill call you later ok ba- i mean Savanna?

S: Yea sure ok

J: see you soon!

S: wait what ar-


he hung up

HMMM was he about to call me babe? ovc not im just hearing things! and what did he mean by see you soon? Man this boy hahaha

Justin's POV:

Savanna is my best friend we've been there for eachother through thick and thin but ive really started to catch feelings for her that's why i wrote catching feelings it was for her 

anw i was planning on surprising her at her house and confess my feelings for her over dinner later i can't wait to see her it's been like 3 months 

i went to her door step it was about 3 o'clock i knocked and i heared her angelic voice saying COMING

Savanna's POV:

It was about 3 pm and im wondering who is knocking on my door? so i yelled COMMING and went to go get the door and to my surprise i saw justin i just stood there in shock and i started to tear up justin gave me a ginormus smile and opened his arms for me i ran into his arms and started to sob 

justin was confoting me "Babby girl don't cry shhhh iyt's ok im here shhhh"

i mumbuled into his chest  " i missed you soo much"

"i missed you too babby girl"

so i suggested we go inside i was playing just dace 4 

so justin's like common lets play im like i suck at it! he just chuckuled and said "ill teach you"

so i gave in and he had he's hands around my aist the whole time an all i could feel were butterflies errupting in my stomach and then suddenly me and justin's faces were like inches apart so we both started to lean in and BAM !! our lips touched it was the most magical kiss ever full of love and passion after what seemed like forever you both pulled away and justin spoke up and said will you go out with me ? you said i though youd never ask

he said to go dress in something fancy and he was comming to pick you up at 8 so you got ready 

i was putting the finishing touches of my makeup on just simple i had on a purple dress with a heart neckline and black heals and black accesories the dress hugged my curves perfectly i heard the door open and close i knew it was justin oh did a mention he had a spare key? lol

so he's like BABE WHEREBARE YOU?!


i came down the stairs and justin had his jaw dropped to the floor i just smirked i said hunny if u keep ur mouth open u might catch bugs and that will ruin ur voice hahaha

justin said haha btw you look amazing i blushed 

----- AFTER DINNER------

Savanna? justin said 

yea babe?

savanna ive loved you for like 2 years now and whenever u went on dates i would get really jelous and i just wanna love and treat you right so Savanna will you be mine? 


he spun me arround and looked into my eyes and said i love you i said i love you too and we both kissed 

THE END hope u liked it and dont forget to coment vote and request love you all and btw comment what is ur fav. JB song from journals 



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