Lazy Day

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(Y/N) P.O.V:

Me and my husband justin decided to have a lazy day today since it's raining outside so were currently playing video games so i don't really know how to play this shooting stuff i keep getting killed justin is just sitting here laughing his ass of because it's "funny" to him so i decided to have a bit of fun so u put the controler down and walked away soon after justin came from behind me and gripped my waist and spun me arround i was gigling once he finally put me down he asked :" Babe what's the matter?" i poted and stuck my bottom lip out and said "Its not fair you keep getting killed" he just laughed and brought me back to the play station but me on his lap then said :" look press this to shoot this to crawl this to switch guns got it? " i just nodded yes i caught on in no time and justin is like "wow u r a fast learner" i said " i learned from the best" he said " that you did" i just rolled my eys playfully.

so we kept playing then i said :" justin im bored" he said :"yea me too baby so what do you wanna do?" i said:" idk how about pizza and a movie ?"  " sounds great princess" so we ordered the pizza but meanwhile we decided to prank call pattie so justin called her under an unknown number and used an app to muffel his voice pattie picked up she said:"hello?" so justin answered " i got the body where should i burry it?" then hung up you two were busting out laughing and you were in tears on the floor 

so like 3 min latter you call patie from justin's phone and justin acts like nothing happened :"hey mom watsup?" so pattie's voice was shaky "hey just-tinn" "mom whats wrong?" "someone just called me and said they had the body and where to dump it" at this point you and justin bursted out in laughter and pattie's like :"why are you two laughing?" justin said" cuz that was me prank c-ccal-lin-gg  yy-oou" justin said in between laughes pattie said :" JUSTIN DREW BIEBER IT IS NOT OKAY TO SCARE YOUR MOTHER LIKE THAT U ALMOUST GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK !!!! wait till i see you!!!!" justin's face dropped "sorry mom i was just bofred and thought it would be funny sorry i love you!!" pattie said " it's ok i love you too " .

just then ur pizza came just in time justin got the door and then you both sat down to watch the hunger games.

hello my awesome reader i love you all are amazing like OMG 1K+ READS OMFB i never thought anyone would like my imagines so tahnk you thankyou and don't forget REQUEST PLEASE with a senario  SO VOTE COMENT AND STAY FAB AND SWAGGY

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