I Can't Be Falling !!

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You were the popular girl in school you owned the school pretty much you pulled pranks all the time and just everyone knew not to piss u off oh and did I mention ur super rich so it’s the 1st day of school and u pull up in ur custom made Ferrari that had ur name in diamonds on the hood u park ur car and get out of the car u were wearing a floral dress that came to ur knees and white pumps with a neon green soul and a green purse u had light make up on so as usual u walked in with ur bffs and got to your first period

 Biology ugh like I’m still half sleep and biology in the morning ugh so I excuse myself to go to the bathroom and walking by the janitor’s closet hearing faint moans and the door was cracked open so u decided to peep maybe take a pic use it as black mail hahaha what u never know?! And I find my boyfriend well ex boyfriend fucking some chick I was about to go in and punch the living shit out of them but I decided to keep my cool and take a picture because revenge is sweeeet.

So I went to the bathroom and cried my eyes out and since then I promised myself to never let anyone in again cuz boys suck I washed my face and got back to class and I saw this new kid sitting in the seat next to me and let me tell you DAMN WAS HE HOOT but no is a no im not falin’ for anyone ever cuz all boys are the same so he just smiled and said hi I’m Justin I said hey are you new here? And I’m  Rose then he said yea I’m new here.

Me and justin ended up talking all period instead of paying attention and ended up having all of our classes together we got sent to the principal’s office for talking and laughing all period

At the principal’s office:

Sooo Rose common it’s ur senior year and it’s just the 1st day just cut it out and grow up as for you Justin you’r new so I’ll let it slide but stay out of trouble!!!

We both nodded and left the principal’s office so the bell for going home so Justin came up to me as I unlocked my car ironically his fisker karama was parked on my right so he came to tell me something but he stared at me then my car he said nice car girl u got style with a flirtatious link. I felt myself blush omg what is this boy doing to me? I said thanks same to u sweet ride and the chrome is just awesome he said thanks there was kinda an awkward silence between us till I spoke up and said: want some starbucks? He said yea but one problem

I furrowed my eye brows in confusion and said what? He said I don’t know where it is I just laughed I said im such an idiot ovc.  u don’t ok so wanna ride shotgun? He just laughed and said u lead I’ll follow I said yea ok sure so I got behind the wheel and drove to Starbucks with Justin tagging along behind me

Finally we pulled up at starbucks so me and justin placed our orders and I was about to pay when I felt a tap on my shoulder so I looked behind me to see who it was and found no one I looked back and found the lady who took our orders handing justin back his change.

He said: Do u really think I would let a lovely girl pay? I just blushed so hard damn this guy had an effect on me he’s just different in a good way I just feel so comfortable around him he makes me forget about everything bad. So me and justin sat down and had our coffee and just chatted and laughed all night.

Hello my lovely’s   sup  u guys are amazing and this Idea came to me at 2:00 in the morning and I just had to write it down and now that I finished school I’m freeeee yaaaay so I think im gona make a part two comment if u want part two stay swaggy and fab J

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