Club Drama *Angry Hot Sex*

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This one is for Belieberthings6 sorry it toik so long hope you enjoy it.

So Justin my boyfriend of 2 years decides that it would be fun to go clubbing with a bunch of our friends since we haven't hung out in a long time. I agreed and decided to go start getting ready Justin said he would pick me up at 8 and it was already 6 (hey beauty takes time!) I went to my walk in closet and kept thinking what to wear what to wear then as I was looking through my wardrobe I found the perfect dress it was tight hugged my curves perfectly Justin will not be able to stay away from me. It was black and stopped right below my butt the sleeves were laced and long. It didn't show allot of cleavage just enough. So I decided to jump in the shower, I waited till the water was just right then stripped from my clothes putting them in the hamper and walking into the big shower we had and closed the door. I scrubbed my body with my favorite body soap that happens to be Justin's favorite also. When I'm done with washing my body I rinse off and start to shampoo my hair when I'm done with that I rinse off then condition my hair and rinse it. When I was done with everything I turned the water off and wrapped a towel around my body and went to my closet I decided to wear no panties I mean who needs them anyways? So I put on the dress with my hair still up in the towel, after I put on the dress time to deal with my hair so I started brushing my hair which took forever to do. Then I blow dried it after that I straightened it. By the time I was done with all that it was 7 so I decided to start on my makeup for my makeup I usually keep it simple but tonight I wanted to look extra special for my baby. So I started with countering my face then applied my foundation and concealer then some blush, maroon lipstick, and did my cat eyeliner. Then I decided to do Smokey eyes with black and white eye shadow. I looked at my reflection and damn did I look hot! Just as I finish getting my red high stilettos on I heard Justin from downstairs : "baaabe I'm home" so I just came down the stairs and when Justin's eyes found me his jaw dropped and he kept staring . I just giggled then walked up to him and put my arms around his neck but he just stood there with his mouth open and I just started to get uncomfortable and walked away when Justin turns me around and smashes his lips into mine. He tried to deepen the kiss and squeezed my butt put I pulled away. Justin started groaning "baby look what u did to me" pointing at jerry I just giggled "baby we can't now we need to go to the club I'm sure everyone is already waiting for us" "fiiine" he groaned. We got into his white Ferrari the car ride was just us singing along to the radio and Justin stealing kisses at red lights. So we get to the club and walk into the VIP section where we meet the guys and Hailey and Kylie so we say hi to everyone and then we go to the dance floor. I really needed this to let loose and just be stress free, so me and Hailey are dancing our butts off drink in hand when I look over and see Justin and Kylie getting pretty cozy dancing then he held her waist and she started grinding on him this is where my blood started to boil. I never really liked her anyways there was always just something about her that seemed off and there it is Hailey looked over and saw what I saw and instantly had a smirk on her face meaning she had an idea which kinda creeps me out. So Hailey brought over Ryan and told us the plan. Me and Ryan started dancing and getting all touchy and giggly then we started grinding and he whispered in my ear "Justin looks pissed" and then I just smirked and continued until I felt someone forcefully grab my arm. Not to my surprise it was Justin jaw clenched and clearly pisses. He puts me in the car slams the door and drives. Not a word was said between us then we got to a red light and I decided to mess with him more so I said "why did you pull me out of the club? I was having fun! " then he clenched the steering wheel till his knuckles were white and then he pulled up at the house as soon as I got in, he forcefully pushed me against the wall kissing my neck I started to moan like crazy I was getting so wet and had no panties on. "you think it's okay to go and grin on my best friend when you have a boyfriend im gonna show you that your mine and only mine. He takes me upstairs and lays me on the bed and takes my dress off "No panties or bra? You are just dying to be punished" then he slapped my butt and I whimpered he then stripped himself and rammed into me and I screamed "this outta teach you a lesson" I started moaning uncontrollably "JJ JJUSTTIIIIN UGH MMMMHHH YEA OOOH BABBY UUUUGHH FUCK ME!!!!" "THAT'S RIGHT SCREAM MY NAME" "JUUUUUSSSSTTTTTIIIIIIIIIIIN" "III I'M GONNA CUMM IM SO CLOSE." That is when he pulled out and smaked my butt and said "ride me baby" I got on top and started riding him hard and fast till we were both a moaning mess "Ugh babbyyyy yea im so close ugh you ride me so well" just the Justin cupped my breast and started licking them and biting them "MMMMHHHHHH BABYYY IM SO CLOOSE" "ME TOO BABBY ON 3" "1...2.....3" he shot his hot cum into me and I released on him. After I cooled down justin decided to eat me till I was clean so he stuck 2 fingers in me while working his tongue in me and I couldn't take the pleasure. "ugh BABY Justin OH MY GOD MMMHHH YEA YEA BABBY FINGER ME HARD OOOH" he starts to lick and curl his fingers inside me and I LOST IT "OHH FUUUUCK BABY IM GONNA CUMM" so he told me "cum for daddy baby cum hard on daddy's fingers" that was enough to send me over the edge I came so hard and he licked me clean. I was panting so hard recovering from what just happened. Justin kissed me and I kissed back and then we pulled away "I love you baby" "love you too jay" and then we fell asleep".


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