Happiest Man On Earth

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your P.O.V:

so im at the beach in the morning just enjoying the view when i feel two strong arms rap around me i jumped at first but then i heard him laughing and i instantly knew it was my boyfriend of 2 years Justin yes THE JUSTIN BIEBER but we go waay back to before he was famous

"JUSTIIIN" i yell and hit him playfully "u scared the living shit out of me!" and i give him the pouty face

he just laughs and said "sorry babe i didnt mean to scare u " he kisses me and ovcourse i kiss back 

we pull away and watch the waves holding hand in comfortubale silence untill justin spoke up "Babe?" yes? i said "why r u here alone?" ummm it's just so peacefull and you know 

we then sit down and start talking about all the memories that we made together and just about the good old days in the past and then we start to feel someone watching

us then we hear flashes im like ughhhh do they have to ruin everything?! justin's like "babe it's ok lets go home and have a lazzy day?" i said sure

before we went home he stopped by the store to get some ice cream and chips and pop and ovc OREOS hehe and some movies

we drove back home and i said " babe i'll get the stuff ready and you prepare the pillows and stuff"

he agreed and i went to the kitchen to get everything ready so when i was done i was about to call justin but i found him leaning against the counter staring im like "ummm justin" he snapped out of it "who what was that princess?" then i said "you were staring at my ass " smirking he just chuckled and said "babe u know u have a nice ass" i just blushed and justin came over to me and said "u knw ur so cute when u blush?" i blushed ever harder and justin just smiled then we both leaned in and shared a kiss full of love then after what seems like forever pulled away

we watched The Hobbit and shared a few kisses here and there when the movie was done justin got a call from Pattie

Justin's P.O.V:

Just as i had planed my mom called invitin me and (y/n) to dinner with all the crew and friends where i was gonna ask (y/n) to be my wife i was so nervouse but mom said to relax

as soon as i got off the phone with mom i went over to (y/n) and i said babe my mom wants us over for dinner she said ok and went to go get ready and ovc i was ready before her so i was waiting for her at the end of the staircase i shouted upstairs "babe r u ready?" she said "just a second" she came down wearing a purple dressy top and a black pencil skirt and black heals with purple tips.

Y/N P.O.V:

so i came down the stairs and justin was there standing looking good as always with a purple shirt black (as he calls them) "Swaggy pants" and purple supras he was there with his mouth open staring at me so i just smirked and said: "hunny close your mouth before you swallow a bug and ruin ur voice" he walked up to me and linked our arms together and said: "u look amazing princess" i said "thank you handsome" and he pecked me on the lips before driving to patties .

we got out of the car and pattie greeted us and led us in to where everyone was so we all sat down and talked then justin stood up and told everyone he had a question to ask me i was so confoused but then justin took my hands in his and said: " (Y/N) ur the love of my life i love you to death i can't and don't want to imagine my life without you . Your smart pretty amazing mist kind human ever and *sigh* what im srying to say is *gets on one knee* (Y/N) will you make me the happiest man on earth and become Mrs.Bieber ?? "yes ... yes a million times yes !" then i kissed her and she kissed back and everyone was cheering and clapping

i am the happiest man on earth!

Hello my readers hope you all liked this one stay Fab xxx
and Swaggy
Question of the day: Who watched the Believe movie?
and what's ur fav. part?
comment vote ect.
and omg thank you all for 400 reads thank you xx

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