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So me and my boyfriend justin are just sittin at home bored watching tv my head is on his lap while he is plkaying with my hair suddenly we spoke at the same time "I'm bored" we looked at eachother and just laughed so i asked :"jay since we are both b ored what do u wanna do?"

it was like so hot outside so i just looked at justin he had the biggest smirk on his face im like "justin ..." it's never good when justin looks like this, he's up to something.  He picks me up on his shoulder and sets me down on the bed he starts tickling me im like "JU-JUSSTIIN- SS- S-S-TOP!!!" but ovcourse he had a condition he said "Say you love me!!" and wanting to get on his nerves i screamed "NEVERRR!!!" and ran away down the stairs and hid in the kitchen cabinits under the sink god knows how i got myself in there but i did .

Justin's P.O.V:

man i looked everywher and i can't find her damn she's a good hider then suddenly i hear a sneeze from under the kitchen sink i smirked to my self and quietly approched her so she can't hear me comming. sundenly i open the cabinit and she screams "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" and hits her head a bit i just burted into laughter she looked so cute she just glared at me and snapped "so are you just gonna stand there laughing or u gona help me out of this cramped space?" i said "oh yea sorry u were just too cute" and i gave her my hand and helped her out .


i wanted to really get on justin's nerves so after he helped me out i walked passed him like didn't exist so he would later do whatever i wanted hahahahaha evil much ? nah well so i went upstairs on twitter and replied to some fans and justin comes and puts his arms around my waist and said "baby im sorry i love you i'll do anything just don't ignore me!" so i said:"anything he said yep" 

so i said "Let's do a twitcam!!" he said: "ok great i dea baby!" i had a huge smirk and justin's face got worried so i spoke up "let's do a twittcam while u r doing my make up" he goes:" baby nooooo anything els " "tooo scared to try and dou my make up huh?" i sais in a moking tone "It's on baby!"

i just laughed and we both tweeted about the twitcam we were about to do so i went and took my makeup bag out and dumped it on the bed  and put the laptop in front of us and started i said hey everyone justin is gonna attempt to do my makeup so justin leggo he said "Hey that's my line!!" i just chuckuled  so justin started applying stuff to my face and honestly i was gettin a bit nervouse i had no idea what he was doing and neither did he lol

so after like 10 min he was finally done i got up as he got the miror i gasped "oh my gosh" i had uneven foundation smusged lipstic too much mascara and REALLY RED cheecks and ALLOT of purple eyeshadow me and justin looked at eachother and burted into laughter so i went up to the laptop and said "well this is what u get when justin does ur make up" u guys close the twitcam and i went to wash my face when i came back justin just got off the phone with Rayn and u guys cuddled and watched tv in bed and later i fell asleep listning to justin's soft humming 


Heloo  how r u all hop u liked this one anw remember i love you and so does justin stay fab and SWAGGY comment vote Share pls REQUEST anw lovelys bye :)

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