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Now about purpose... 
Yes it is out on i tunes
No i have not gotten it yet
I will find a way to listen to it and save them some people might say that I should not do that and just buy it on i tunes trust me I would love nothing more than to do that but I can't the money my parents have goes to college and food and other needs I barely even get allowance anymore and no i Can't save money because I rarely get it and when I do I need it. So before you judge just think. Plus we are not allowed to listen to music by dad mom lets us when he is not here, and even if mom could buy me the album all her withdrawals are sent to dad's phone.

Another thing Tour...
The thought of it just depresses me I know he will not come here and I know for sure that if he was planning to he canceled. Yesterday 2 suicide bombers blew them selfs up and 1 ran away and the other was killed before detenating. In the capital city Beruit and even if he did come i wouldn't be able to go see him 1st cuz of dad
2nd money

Don't get me wrong we are not poor, just money is tight and the economy is dead.

All i wanna say is don't tell someone you are not a real belieber if you haven't bought purpose....

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