Beach Day

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I've been really stressed with studying for my exams and just life in general, so my best friend invited me with her to go to the beach to let out some steam and just have fun. As we arrived at the beach i could feel all eyes on me, it made me really uncomfortable since i was never really confident with my body. The sun was shining, the sky was clear, and you can smell the lovely smell of the sea that instantly made me relaxed. I sighed in content as i felt all my stress go away, not looking where i was going i bumped into some lady. "OMG i'm so sorry" the lady just looked up at me and gave a bright smile. "It's fine dear". So after a while me and my best friend finally found a great spot to lay down and put our stuff, we set up our stuff, spread our towels, and took off our cover ups. I ignored the eyes staring at me and lied down on my towel trying to get a little bit of a tan.

After I feel like i've tanned enough I went to go get myself a smoothie to drink. As I was ordering, I felt a presence next to me so I looked up and saw no one other than Justin Bieber. Play it cool... play it cool I said to myself. I smiled at him and he winked I blushed but covered it up with my hair praying to God that he didn't see. As if on que my smoothie was ready, I muttered a thank you and grabed my smoothie. Walking back to where I was before Justin grabed my wrist and turned me arround. I looked into his beautiful sparkling eyes as he gazed into mine, we stayed like that until I spoke up " um hey justin" he smiled wide showing his pearly whites which turned into a smirk " hey beautiful" he said with his raspy voice that made me weak at the knees. I blushed and looked down.

He lifted my face with his two fingers and examined me from head to toe before speaking up "what's your name beautiful?" I tried to keep my cool "Y/n" "hmm i like it.. soo y/n the moment i laid eyes on you i knew that I had to talk to you " i looked up at him confused " why me what is so special about me?" he just shook his head and smiled " I don't know but I do know that you are crazy beautiful and I really wanna get to know you" i blushed like crazy and smiled really big " thanks justin how about I put my smoothie next to my stuff then we can get in the water?" "sounds like a plan" justin said while cheesing just as wide as me. "RACE YOU THERE BEIBER!" I started running while justin was hot on my tracks i just laughed I saw justin passing me so I decided to get a free piggy back ride. So i jumped on his back as he just chuckled and carried me to my spot where I put my smoothie down and grabed justin's hand as we ran towards the water. The water was a great temperature. After fooling arround in the water for hours we started to get hungry so justin decided to take me out to have some lunch. Lucky for us there was a McDonald right across the street so justin took me there "sorry, this is not what I had in mind when I want to take you out its just that it's close and.. " I cut him off by giggling "you're so cute heheeehe justin this is totally fine" I gave him a reassuring smile. We sat down and ate, justin told som jokes here and there overall it was great. Justin offered me a ride home so i accepted, the ride home was basically just us singing along to the radio. I gave justin directions to my house, and as we pulled up he turned off the car and I faced him as he looked at me. "Thanks for today I had an amazing time" I said sincerely. He nodded his head " My pleasure, but I really wanna take you out on a proper date." I smiled as I reached in my bag for a pen and took justin's arm and wrote my number on it. He smiled really wide, which made me smile too so I kissed his cheek and said "call me" as I got out of the car and into my house.

Hey everyone i'm kinda back sorry for the wait. I hope you enjoy this one because I worked really hard on it. Request are still closed sowwy. I love you all xx and tell me what you think. Byeee

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