Snow Resort

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Song For The Chapter: Eminem- My Darling

(Serenity goes through a bit of a breakdown in this chapter which is why her thoughts are all over the place. It's a bit hectic to read that's why I feel like this song is perfect for the chapter. Also I'm so sorry but this chapter is really long. )

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Days passed, weeks passed, then the month passed.

The remedy Lana gave me worked. It worked really well for the first few weeks. Passed out instantly. I was able to rest at night. Finally. Since I couldn't rest awake, this was such an amazing relief. Such relief that waking up and going outside didn't bother me as much. It's like I had the strength to be confident again.

Nothing happened when I would walk out. There wasn't any strange noises or feelings. No panic, no worry. I gradually got more and more relaxed. Not to mention, I hadn't ran into Jace at all. Not once since he came to my house to apologize.

At first I was honestly just glad, peace for that long. Holidays just with the family? I was relieved.

But then....

The remedy wore off. After maybe two weeks, it couldn't keep the nightmares away. If anything.... they came back worse. I woke up crying. I began to wake up 6hrs into sleep, then 5, then 4, and ultimately...back to 3. I debated telling Lana, maybe she could make another remedy but it got hard to leave the house...

The change caused even more panic, even more anxiety. The confidence, the strength, fell apart again.

I would think I saw something move in the shadows, I would think I heard unnatural noises. Loud noises. That we're always too close. I would put headphones on and then I would replay the scene from that night over and over again.

I know I saw what I saw. I know it....

But did I?

The idea of something haunting me in the woods scares me shitless still. I mean the idea that it was all just in my head is comforting in the way that I know nothing will physically hurt me but it's also terrifying to know I truly might be going crazy or having deeper mental issues.

So I rode to work as always, rode home as always, locked and barricaded the doors and windows as always.

I'm finding it hard to simply relax, my shoulders are tense, I'm holding my breath, my fingers are curled into fists, I'm not playing around, singing, or playing with the cats. I'm eating less that usual, eating junk food more than usual. It's the only comfort I had, the only satisfaction I could instantly get.....

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