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Song For The Chapter: Baekhyun- Underwater

I couldn't take a steady breath. He's standing in front of my nightmares, standing in front of my greatest fears- the person I'm so in love with is standing in front of what been terrorizing me for months, that has been trying to kill me from the inside out. If I wasn't having a panic attack I definitely would have had one then.

What I love and what I hate, facing each other.

Oh God! I want to look away but there was no way I could. I can't breathe. I can barely see through my tears. I don't even know how I'm standing.

"Ja-" I couldn't get his name out. Even if I did I doubt he would hear it. "J-" I was forced to look away when I started gasping for air. I fell to my knees, desperately trying to look at Jace and breathe at the same time.

The monster stepped out, I shivered. It looks like some form of scorpion. An evil version, oozing yellow putrid goo, but also covered in what looks like dried red blood. It was alot bigger than I thought. At least the size of a truck.

Yet Jace didn't waver, I can't see his expressions with his back to me but his posture didn't hesitate or falter once. My heart is beating so rapidly fast, It's beating in my ears. I tried calling for him once again but I don't know if the words ever left my throat.

The moment I saw the monster place its leg closer to Jace everything in me stopped and I managed to finally yell his name out.

"JACE!!" My throat burned from the sudden strain I pushed it through. 

Before my echo even finished, they vanished.

Eyes wide, I looked around.

The monster is gone, Jace is gone.

I let out the breath I held, using a tree to lean against as I tried to stand. Everything is so quiet now. How? Where'd he go?

"Jace?" I whispered.

A breeze passed through....

I felt a darkness in me bubble, it was like a violent depression, absolute hopelessness, and a cold emptiness. It was like feeling everything and nothing at the same time.

"Jace?" I tried one more time before I let the burning turmoil out.

A little bell ringing in the woods caught my attention. So desperate to believe it was Jace I walked closer....

Nothing could stop me from checking. I don't care if it was rational, I need to see him!

And I was right.....

My chest dropped, relief filling my body. 

Jace walked out the trees, where I could see the trees had been broken and torn open. He was covered in the same black blood that I saw spew out of the tail. The white and gold sword was steaming until the moment Jace's hand opened and the sword vanished before ever hitting the ground.

He wiped the blood from his jaw, uselessly since the left side of his face had splattering blood all over it.

He looked completely fine. Not a single sign of a fight. He looked so stupidly attractive that I questioned my morals for a second. The black blood accentuated his beautiful grey eyes like stars in the sky.

But he wasn't looking at me. He was looking at the ground, his posture was still straight, completely unbothered but he wasn't meeting my eyes.

"Jace?" I whispered.

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