With Him

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Song For The Chapter: Taylor Swift- Lover

He let my wrist go just to cover my eyes then before I knew it I was gone.

I could hear the silence, I could hear the birds singing louder, the sun wasn't so bright, I could hear the rushing water and feel it's breeze.

This doesn't feel like Hell.

He had me... even after everything I've learned and know, he didn't take me to Hell? He didn't finish me off? 

Both hands let go to grab my shoulders and push me onto my knees.

I squinted my eyes open.


This is the little hidden waterfall we found together. The sun was shinning through the leaves, the wind allowing the heat to meet my skin in waves. Nurturing and not at all overbearing. 

It looks so pretty in the summer day. The water must be so refreshing too. It looks so clear and clean.

Why'd he take me here?

Why not just take me straight to the pit of demons and let them eat me? Finish what he started years ago? What's the point of teasing!? Just get it over with!

He slammed my shoulder down, pressing my cheek into the pink blanket under me. I groaned, still trying to escape.

The blanket...

It's pink. It's soft.

Why take the effort to make things easier for me? To comfort me? He obviously put it there because I hate the thought of bugs, he made it pink because I like that color and it makes me happy, it's soft because he knew I was going to have my face against it.

I don't think he expected me to even pay attention to it, even notice it but I did.... and it tells me.... he wants to comfort me. He put effort into making me calm.

I shivered, feeling that threatening, uneasy aura behind me. He's mad. He's angry.

I wouldn't say this feels like the 'I want to kill you' vibe like the demon that attacked us in the car but this definitely feels like the 'I want to do unspeakable things to you and your body' vibe like when I was followed.

Neither of us moved or said anything.

My heart was racing in my chest, adrenaline was pouring through my blood and I couldn't tell which of my emotions was making me tear up.

It was only the faintest movement, I tried sitting up but he pushed me down instantly. His body covered mine, not an inch of space, pressing me into the blanket.

I gasped, tears running. His warmth cascaded over me and held me tight. My eyes rolled to the back of my head, letting out the biggest sigh my body could manage.

His scent!

It's him! It's his! The one that smells so good! The heavenly one, the inhumane, the ecstasy one.

His heat, his scent, his body, I couldn't think at all.

All the anger I had just minutes ago completely vanished.

Tears pooled out of my eyes, even more when he rested his cheek against mine.

I cried, glad he had his other hand on my cheek to stop me from pulling away so that I had no choice but to indulge in him. I loved when he would do this! It was my favorite notion. He very softly, almost barely at all, nuzzled into my cheek. I sniffed quietly, closing my eyes to enjoy it.

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