A Step Closer

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Song For The chapter: Camila Cabello- My Oh My

Jace stayed close to me for the next few days, walking with me to get any things I needed or for something as simple as going to do errands.

I was kinda of shy, waking up with him and going to sleep with him was creating a warm dynamic in my heart that involuntary formed a soft intimacy between us... At least in my eyes.....

Jace stopped with the sexual banters, only thing he continued to do was call me Kitten, even though he said he wouldn't. Sometimes, Baby Kitten, or Baby Serenity. Of course, he would use it to degrade me whenever I did something stupid or clumsy. But for some reason I still found it endearing.... Because he would still answer my stupid questions and he would still help me whenever I hurt myself. It was like his way of scolding me for not being careful or paying attention.... 

I have yet to press on the conversations of the other night in the kitchen. I haven't asked him any but my head was filled with questions! So so many!

We're going to have sit down and talk seriously about this one day. But to avoid arguments and frustration, I remain unbothered, ignorant to savior this sweet moment between us.

I only get the soft side of him and I... Really.... Really like it.

A week turned into two which turned into 3 and then it was already a month being friends with Jace.

Everything was the same except there would days Jace had to work and I didn't get to see him for maybe three or 5 days in a row.

It made me appreciate his presence even more, way more than before. Whenever he would leave, I would sleep horribly again, nightmares, waking up in the middle of the night crying, desperately needing him. Needing him to hug and comfort me. Needing his warmth, his muscles that protected me from everything that existed, even my mind. I needed his deep warm but rough voice that would ease my panic and melt me. He was absolute serenity to me... So much so that whenever he left, it hurt.

Aside from the nightmares, I would feel lonely... Unsafe as well. I took those time to stay in the house completely or see baby Lucas.

The best part of Jace leaving meant that when he would come back he would lose control of himself a lot. Compared to how is normally, he would have a dark shade to his normal grey star of eyes. A painful heat to his skin, deeper voice, harsher stare, intimidating presence that radiated- screamed absolute dominance. He would often use more strength than necessary, breaking multiple appliances- specifically door knobs around the house.

He would keep himself glued to me, stepping closer until we had some form of physical contact at all times. One thing he always did was grip my chin to make eye contact with me. I would get flustered and that tension would raise again until something caught our attention, like the cats or a phone call.

Those first night with him after he came back was like holding a bomb in my bare hands and just watching and waiting for it to explode....

It was ridiculous. The tension, the intense frustration from both of us...

"Kitten, I have to go tonight." Jace mumbled, petting Luna who was sprawled over his lap, belly up.

"How long?" I whispered, I could feel my face fall in despair, knowing these next few days will be lonely and dark. I looked at Luna in jealousy, pouting as I wished he would do that to me. Caress me lovingly with such soft and hot hands while I simply enjoy it with no care in the world.

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