Pumpkin Patch

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Song For The Chapter: Kanon Wakeshima- Monochrome Frame

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The nightmares continued, annoyingly so but not as bad as they could be. I forgot them by the time I got to work and luckily I only startled awake, not gasping awake. I had a hard time falling asleep because of the anxiety Jace pushed onto me but after I got the herbs from Serene, I managed to fall asleep quickly but still woke later in the night. Regardless of the nightmares, Jace, himself, is the true nightmare that I couldn't stop thinking about. Just like he wanted.....

Regardless if he got what he wanted or not, I was going to the pumpkin patch today. To have my dose of Fall/ Halloween excitement and to get away from what happened.... I was supposed to go yesterday but I needed space, Twilight did exactly that for me but I can't stay there forever. I suppose I could've bought some pumpkins from Serene but I have a feeling they wouldn't have allowed me to pay and I wouldn't have been able to take them home. The pumpkins they had were enormous, like the size of my bike big. I didn't realize how much a healthy land and clean water could impact plants, fruits, and well everything...

After previous events, I decided I'm going to Uber there and back. That keeps me from running into a specific asshole and also helps me bring home more pumpkins!


I couldn't keep my happiness hidden. As soon as I stepped out the car, I was bouncing in looking at all the activities!

I'm gonna go in the corn maze and on the hay ride and on the Zipline and then eat so much popcorn! Ooooo I can't wait! I'll get the pumpkins last so I can enjoy without having to lug them around.

Families ran through, laughing, and singing along to Monster Mash that played through speakers. There seems to be face painting because many kids and adults are in disguise.

Of course I had to get in line! Who would I be if I didn't?

"Oh, I'm sorry miss, all out of paint. We're trying to get some more. We've been going through bottles all day."

"Oh no problem. Thank you!"

"Here," She handed me a sticker. "You can get a free pumpkin in exchange."

"Really!? This is great, I was planning on taking as many as I could!"

The woman wheeled out from behind her makeshift desk, filled with paint, hands and clothes splattered with every color ever made.

"Unlike the paint, we have more than enough pumpkins, it's our greatest pride. Ain't no one around gonna beat our patch. Or our corn maze, for that matter." She tilted her chin up, grinning in confidence.

"Do you work here, outside of painting?"

"Yeah, kind of. This is my family's farm, so I say I work here but that just means sitting outside and eating chips, bothering my parents."

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