Deeper Into The Magic

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Song For The Chapter: Ludovico Einaudi- Experience

As soon as I had a day off, I went back to Harbor. I was incredibly eager to go back to Serene and learn more, see more. 

Today I dressed a little more appropriate. I wore high waisted jeans, classic converse, and a cropped white blouse with a square neckline. I had a thin white sweater around my waist just in case it got a little too cold for me. My bangs framed the sides of my face while the rest of my hair fell down to my hips. 

Even though I know the direct way to the village I went back into the market. I was curious to see more, what more they had to offer.

Just like before it was busy and loud as ever, except this time there seemed to be music playing. Instrumental music like...orchestra? Maybe... I don't know. I could hear violins though, it was the most prominent sound followed by a cello.

I took time at each store this time, I didn't buy anything though. I was just eager to see more, I hope they didn't think that was rude of me. I was still in somewhat of a time rush, if the tide rises at sunset then I can't take as much time as I'd like. Perhaps I should've gotten here earlier, I forgot to take in account that the night comes quicker now. 


I turned around at the sound of that very unique and rare voice, already knowing who it was. 

"Raphael." I smiled turning around to see the familiar stranger. His appearance is still so attractive to me. He is absolutely gorgeous. With black hair, emerald green eyes, and a model smile. His style seemed to be more on the alternative side with a sleeveless black ac/dc t shirt and ripped black jeans.

Not sure what just happened but he stepped out of his store while buckling his belt...

"What brings you back?" He tilted his head, his green eyes catching the sun and shinning bright as is truly made of emeralds. "Miss me?"

"I wanted to come back to explore more. The girls were so nice, they urged me to come back."

"I had a feeling you were going to fit right in with them. What's that?" He nodded to the basket in my hand.

"Roses from my garden, I thought they might like them." With the basket they gave me last time I used to bring dozens and dozens of roses back. I carefully pulled one out and offered it to him. "For helping me." I smiled.

"Are you sure you wanna give me that?" He stood straight, almost afraid of the vibrant rose.

"Yeah, don't worry, There's much more at home."

"I don't think-" I reached for his hand, putting the stem in his hand.

"Careful, they have a life of their own."

"I wouldn't doubt it." He chuckled, awkwardly holding the flower as if scared of them. I tilted my head, he was like that last time too. He must be shy around girls... though his appearance says anything but that.

"Hey, do you know where that music is coming from?" I stayed quiet, pointing into the air as the violins broke through the silence. 

"Yeah, I'll take you." He tucked the flower into his jean pocket, walking with me. 

"Is this place always like this? Busy, loud, like a festival?"

"Yeah, I've only been living here three years but it's certainly filled with magic. Everyday, every night. It's like everyone here... lives in completely different worlds. Sometimes I can't even remember what reality is..."

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