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Song For The Chapter: Taylor Swift- Don't Blame Me

Each step I took felt like I was going to pass out. The heat getting overwhelmingly suffocating, gripping my throat, pushing my tears out.

This is it.


This was my first time seeing him in months. He looked beautiful as ever, black hair draped slightly over his face, grey eyes bright, skin annoyingly perfect. At first his expressions showed concern, worry, very serious but very quickly his eyes glazed for a second and he smiled softly. Not brightly, just a casual, natural smile.

"Serenity..." Just like his smile, his greet came natural, almost relieved. My heart melted at his voice.

I hadn't heard him for so long. His voice is so beautiful I can't believe I went so long without it. With the Sirens, their voices are so beautiful and I don't think I could ever tire of them but Jason? How did I live without his ethereal voice? After hearing him again, I don't think I could ever go so long without it. 

Oh, I still love him....

Stupidly, deeply, painfully in love...

After all this time and even after everything I just went through, I still love him. Have you ever thought about someone and just felt love? It's a crazy feeling... I feel like thinking of Jason's was like hearing what love is, seeing what love is, tasting what love is, smelling what love is, feeling what love is! Having all your senses overload with happiness and purity!

It's a one of kind feeling I am blessed to experience so passionately, even in the darkest situations but I can't help it...

Just seeing him in front of me was like seeing the most beautiful combination of colors. Black, red, and grey.

Black as velvet, for his masculinity, his dominance, his confidence. The way he can walk without a single care, unbothered by anything, knowing full well he can't be touched or effected by anything. The way he has an angelic voice yet full of authority and confidence giving you relief to know you are absolutely taken care of. Like those moments he would show me how well I was being protected, tightly holding my hand, wanting me close and safe, the tight hugs! When he would scold me for being foolish and putting myself in dangerous situations. Then the small things like gripping my chin when I wasn't paying attention and the way he always had to pick me up and sit me on top of something to keep a conversation. 

The red as saturated and vivid as a full rose. That was his love and sweetness. The immense love he has for life and everything honestly. He has a passion in everything. From feeling the rain hit against his skin as if he's never felt it to helping animals and making sure they're safe. The passion he has for the world! He's just so full of Love. He always was, even from the beginning though I never saw it. And when his love won against the internal war he was going through... When he walked with me, kept me company, held me close, gave me sweetest kisses on my forehead and cheeks. The cute pet names, and the comfort he gave me whenever I hurt myself. Such a passionate, brutal, intense, devoted, red love. 

The grey! Obviously for the most beautiful pair of eyes I've ever seen. I've never seen eyes that glowed! They just seem to glow no matter where we are. They shine like literal stars! Maybe why that's why he's so mind-blowingly beautiful, because he came from the stars.... Nothing else could compare to him. He has to be some sort of otherworld angel. Yes, that would also explain why he smells so fucking good! He used to smell like the environments around him now he just smells like himself! Heavenly, almost like pure ecstasy. Otherworldly would be the only way to explain the unique scent. 

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