Chapter 19: What About Love?

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- Next day - 


*Wakes up and gets ready for the day* 

Today, I am going to be doing a photoshoot with The Carpenters they are currently making it big. I seem to be into their music and this is going to be quite exciting for me!

- Goes to the photoshoot place a little while later and meets up with Karen and Richard -

"We are currently working on photoshoots for our upcoming album Horizon so hopefully you have some good ideas in mind." Richard says as he walks in the door with Karen followed behind him

"I actually do have a few ideas. I was thinking these outfits for you guys to be wearing." I say holding up a few different outfits I found in their sizes 

"I think those are going to work perfectly." Karen says with a friendly smile 

"I dont think that is my color and it is more tacky than it is nice." Richard says 

"Oh, I can find something else then." I reply biting the inside of my cheek

"I am just playing around it is just fine for what we are going to be doing." Richard replies 

"You are such a meanie when it comes to joking around Rich." Karen says nudging him

"No, its alright." I say with a slight chuckle 

"Alright then, lets get this show on the road." Richard says 

"I think this is going to be such a fun photoshoot. The girls from ABBA told me just how nice you are." Karen says with a smile 

"Aww, how sweet of them to mention my name to you." I say with a smile 

"Well of course they would. They also wanted me to ask if you ended up on the date with your special you know whoo." Karen says with a smile grabbing her outfit 

"It may or may not have happened. Now, you two you should go get ready so we can do this." I say with a smile 

"Sounds good to me." Richard says and him and Karen go and change and come back

"Are we ready to get to this?" I ask looking at them 

"Yes." They reply in sync 

"Sounds good, we will start with the inside photo shoots and work outside for the next." I say posing them on the green screen and getting a bunch of pictures then changing spots and getting more photos of them

"Well hello you guys!" A familiar voice rings out from the door and it turns out to be Mo

"Maurice?" I ask turning around to look at him

"Yes, ma'm the others are right behind me." Mo says followed by Robin, Barry and Andy

"What are you guys doing here? You guys know I am busy with my job I have Karen and Richard here today." I say 

"Its fine, we are friends with them so it is no biggie but also we are not going to be here for long." Mo says 

"Well then what are you guys here for?" I ask looking at them but folding my arms kind of annoyed at being interrupted 

"Robin is just here to propose to you." Barry says 

"He is going to what?" I ask

"Nothing, he is just kidding around. What he meant to say is are you free tonight?" Robin asks looking at me 

"Yes, and now I would like you guys to get out of here. Get out get outt." I say pointing at the door 

"Pushy." Andy says and they all leave 

"They are sure around more than you would think." Karen says joking around 

"Yeah, they sure are it sometimes can get annoying but what else can I do." I say handing them their next outfits and wait for them to get changed 

"We are readyy." Richard says as they come back into the room

"Good." I say getting the rest of their photos done and finishing up the shoot 

Well, that was a fun day now it is time for me to go home and find out what these boys wanted me for earlier.. 

- Heading home, I jam out to the songs on the radio and singing along. But, realizing one of the boys is driving right behind me but I am not sure which one. Pulls into the driveway0

"I wonder which one of them it is this time. It is probably Robin to be honest." I say getting out of the car and looking at the car 

"Hello." Barry says getting out of the car and looking at me 

"What are you out of all of you guys doing here?" I ask

"I am taking you somewhere so come on with me. It is fine by the way and thanks for the hello back." Barry says opening the car door for me 

"You show up at my house and expect me to go with you?" I ask looking at him

"Well, yes in the idea we are going to go see Robin so just please come on. I drive safe and you will not want to miss what is going to be happening." Barry says motioning to the car 

"Fine." I reply getting in and wondering what is about to happen.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more! Love you guys <3

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