Chapter 175: Life Is Weird

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- Next Day - 


Today I had nothing to do really when it came to photoshoots. Nobody did schedule with me which is kind of odd but it is okay you know it gives me a bit of a break.

"I think this is kind of weird how today nobody had scheduled with me but then again I guess not everyone does photoshoots everyday," I say

"I mean I guess but it could just be something different. Not everyone is always going to be doing photoshoots." Robin replies

"I know I guess that is something I have to deal with. I think this job of mine is amazing but it can change every day and maybe I should plan on doing something a little different." I say

"I wonder what other jobs you could pick up on the side if you wanted to get an additional job." Robin replies 

"I think that there is so many choices to be able to do on the side of doing the job I do. I just do not know what I would want to be involved in you know." I say

"I know sometimes it could get hard trying to find out something different." Robin says 

"I think we should just figure out what we want for dinner for now. As long as your brother does not come around and make you vanish off into the outdoors." I say

"I am sorry about that but you know it is just fine. I think it is going to be fine if we make dinner together which is kind of funny." Robin replies 

"Why is it funny to make dinner together?" I ask

"I do not know but it is something we should do you know. I am thinking we should do whatever you want to eat." Robin replies 

"I do not know what I want to eat." I say

"I think anything is good with me you know." Robin replies 

"I think this is going to be so much fun making dinner with you but sometimes I feel like you do not like to work with me." I say

"I like to work with you when it comes to all different kinds of things in this life. I think working day to day on new things life is doing good. Now, lets make some food." Robin replies 

"I think we should just make some food now and decide." I say

"I think we should just do some spaghetti for dinner. I know we had noodles yesterday but you know this sounds good." Robin replies 

"Yeah that does sound good you know I think we could do that if you would want to do so." I say

"I do want to do that." Robin replies 

"I think this is going to be so much fun to just do something simple." I say

- Goes to the kitchen and pulls out the noodles and sauce -

"This is so simple to do but one of the favorites of most people now days." Robin says but boiling the noodle water 

"True and your brothers are not going to be coming out of the blue?" I ask

"No, my brothers are not going to be coming out of the blue to do nothing. I think this is going to be good." Robin says 

"Good because you know your brothers like to come out of the blue to do things." I say

"I am wondering how many times my brothers have done things and made the world a bit different but you know I would not imagine like without them." Robin replies 

"I could not either you know your brothers are pretty amazing. I think they are great but sometimes when they are everywhere we turn then it can become a bit much." I say but with a chuckle 

"I know I need them to chill out a bit when it comes to following me around but it is kind of hard to make them listen to me." He replies but with a chuckle 

"I think this is kind of funny we are talking about this right now." I say

"I do not know what else to talk about while we wait for the pasta to boil to be honest with you. I think the idea of my brothers is always coming up in the middle of anything." He replies 

"You have a point but now it is time to put the pasta in." I say but pouring in the noodles 

"Did you get the sauce out too or do I need to get it out of the cabinet?" Robin asks 

"No, you need to get it out of the cabinet if you would be so kind to do so." I Say but looking at him

"Alright then let me get it real quick." He replies but getting the sauce out of the cabinet 

"Okay good now we have sauce and the noodles and are ready to just wait on the noodles to boil." I say 

"This is going to be good you know and most likely pretty quick for the noodles to boil." Robin replies 

"This is kind of funny to me because it seems like time is going by so slow." I say but draining the pasta and mixing in the sauce 

"I know but you know our world does kind of revolve around the idea of food as always." He replies but getting us out bowls and cups for drinks 

"I know." I say but serving us 

"This does look good though." Robin says but pouring us some drinks 

"It is simple but good." I say but sitting down to eat and he does the same 

"Do you have any plans for tomorrow are you back with someone for a photoshoot?" Robin asks but eating 

"I am going to be doing a photoshoot with Neil Diamond which is kind of different." I say

"Oh nice tomorrow me and the boys are going to be in the studio for a bit of time working on some things." He replies 

"Oh nice this is going to be a good day then for both of us." I say

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more! Love you guys <3

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